Gulia El


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Gulia El, Human Being , posted

Interscy Trails for Super Cities of the World and for Super Cities toBe.

I thought of those ideas just now, this morning when I got email from Amsterdam Smart City. The seeds of it, perhaps, grew over time. This is the news of my mind and I am always willing to share such news with wider audience.

The cities with many skyscrapers should adopt a system of interscy mobility, where all the tall buildibgs are connected by corridors/ tunnels/orbits few stories apart which allow citizens to walk and to use bike as well in order to accomplish activities that are purposefully summonned to those buildings. That will allow those pedestrians or bikers, disables not even enter streets of the city unnecessarily.

The interconnectedness of skyscrapers will also allow for more safety during fire situation, providing paths for escape to safety.

The citie's architecture has to consider such changes in advance when planning for new skyscrapers and to build them as one infrastractural hub instead of separate building of particular function. Town inside the city is what those hubs will represent.

Of course, the elements of interconnectedness can be implemented onto preexisting building also, althought they might prove to be not so efficient in their purpose.

To create an entire hub of skyscrapers, social studies have to be involved. What sort of population will predominantly live there, what are dynamics of it through aging. Young families with kids will benefit from daycares being located inside the hub, small medical centers for non emergency cases have to be present there as well, and so on. Half century later the same hub will have to adopt centers for seniors, for disables, and emergency care.

It is futal to keep building skyscrapers without giving the new floor its own paths, trails, escalators, may be even roads for gold carts and other small electrical vehicles.

Gulia El's picture News
Gulia El, Human Being , posted

Bicycle, not dinosaur

Amsterdam's views are overwhelmed with parking places full of bicycles.
1. To diminish space taken up by parked bicycles , collapsible bycicles should start being promoted.
2. Also, bycicles can be parked facing each other, where front wheels overlap. That saves space by 50%.
3. In areas that allow it ( park, grassy areas), ground surface should be turned into an underground–like covered parking for bycicles. That means lifting walkable part of a surface through building plaza or alley over it (of whatever material ) but tall enough so under this cover bycicles can be parked. With time areas of the city do get raised anyhow because of cultural layer. If we create raised areas artificially, we have then empty space under them to use as bicycle parking. Besides utilitarian solution, it can also hide the multitude of bycicles from the eye. Those raised areas can be arcitecturally stractured so smartly, that they remind mostly of a curved landscape, modern architectural elements rather than invisible parking lot. :)

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