Enrique Crespo


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Enrique Crespo, Operation manager at Movby, posted

Why and Where Share rides in Amsterdam?

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Why Share? Few years ago people have started sharing their things to help themselves in its own payment, a loan for a car or an apartment is easily paid if you have an extra income by sharing them, the shame happens with other things, a car trip, the acquisition of tools and equipment are much more affordable if you can have an extra income by sharing them. The chance of meeting and helping other people has also encourange the rise of Sharing plataforms, places where you can find whatever you need wherever you are from a global community of sharers.

What Share? Nowadays, we can find many platforms where you can share a wide variety of goods, anything from simple tools to major housing properties. This new model is known as a “Sharing Economy”.

Where Share? Related to the transport sector in Amsterdam you can find a bunch of sharing plataforms.

-Movby.co. Empowering communities, working on Bikes and Boats , is the best option if you want to live a truly-local experience in Amsterdam.

-Barqo.co, the best option for big yatchs and fancy hollidays in Ibiza, Niza or Monaco, also working on Amsterdam.

-Spinlister.com, for genuine adventurers, a place to rent Bikes, Surf and Snow equipment.

-Zipcar.com, own the trip not the car, a Car-renting marketplace.

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