Reinier Siderius


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Reinier Siderius, Director at Sidcon B.V., posted

250th underground compactor placed in Amsterdam

The arrival of the underground compactor has ensured that Amsterdam is clean, safe and above all liveable despite the growing waste mountain. Residents of Amsterdam do not have to go far to get rid of their waste, the streets have become cleaner because there is no garbage lying around and traffic congestions have been reduced.

Parking places

The most important motivation for Amsterdam to opt for underground compactors at the time was that the waste solution did not come at the expense of parking spaces. Since there is a lot more waste going into an underground compactor, fewer containers were needed in one place. This allowed parking spaces to remain and it was not necessary to sacrifice them for containers.


Another important criterion for Amsterdam was that the collected waste still could be sorted well. The underground compactor has been made suitable for the correct processing of the waste. In order to be able to sort the waste properly and to be able to recycle high quality, a specially designed screw conveyor is used. This pushes the waste into the container without being crumpled together.

Clean, safe, liveable

The arrival of the underground compactor has ensured that Amsterdam is clean, safe and above all liveable despite the growing waste mountain. Residents of Amsterdam do not have to go far to get rid of their waste, the streets have become cleaner because there is no garbage lying around and traffic congestions have been reduced.

Reinier Siderius's picture News
Reinier Siderius, Director at Sidcon B.V., posted

Waste compacting underground , all advantages at a glance

In our country more and more large cities are running into the same waste problem: a lack of space. The waste mountain is growing, but the capacity is running at its upper limit. Every won meter is often received with cheers. It is therefore not surprising that more and more municipalities are paying attention to innovative, underground solutions. One of these innovative solutions is an underground waste compactor

Reinier Siderius's picture #CircularCity
Reinier Siderius, Director at Sidcon B.V., posted

Malodorous underground compactor? We now have the solution.

Featured image

When temperatures rise, bad odour in and around waste containers can be a real problem. Sidcon has developed a method which solves this problem once and for all: a device that is placed in the container which ensures that the smell is removed for good. So no more worries on your part!

How this is done? Read it here.

Reinier Siderius's picture News
Reinier Siderius, Director at Sidcon B.V., posted

Amsterdam Zuid: Underground compactor comes of age

Space. If Amsterdam Zuid is short of anything, it’s space. Every extra square metre that can be saved should be cheered. Hardly surprising therefore that the borough chose to install Sidcon’s underground Presstation a year and a half ago.

Click on the link to continue reading.

Reinier Siderius's picture News
Reinier Siderius, Director at Sidcon B.V., posted

Brainstorm session

We have an installed base with underground compactors to collect waste in "stadsdeel Zuid", part of Amsterdam. We like to get ideas to find out what else we can do with the these machines. For that we would like to have a brainstorm session with inhabitants, students, etc, to find out.
Who can help us?

Reinier Siderius

Reinier Siderius's picture #Energy