We have an installed base with underground compactors to collect waste in "stadsdeel Zuid", part of Amsterdam. We like to get ideas to find out what else we can do with the these machines. For that we would like to have a brainstorm session with inhabitants, students, etc, to find out.
Who can help us?
Reinier Siderius
Hi Reinier, do you guys manufacturer those waste bins?
Hi @katriendewitte & @margotfrederiks , as I understood, Reinier is also looking for knowledge institutions to join the brainstorm. Do you know people who might be interested?
He Tim, you can find more information about our installed system on http://www.sidcon.nl/dossiers/amsterdam/ . We like to have a brainstorm discussion to get ideas what more we can do with the machines. That can be waste related but also for other purposes. For more information you can call me.
Regards, Reinier
Hi Reinier, I work for the municipality on a spatial strategie for a new generation of 'milieustraten'. Can you give a bit more information on your installed system and the exploration you want to make in the brainstorm session? I would like to participate if I know a little bit more.
With kind regards,
Tim Ruijs
@gerbenkijne Now it works again!
@gerbenkijne Hi Gerben, is this interesting for you regarding the Age of Energy game?