Amsterdam Odyssey

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We offer visitors of Amsterdam an alternative for tourism, and by doing so we offer Amsterdam an alternative for being a tourist-attraction. Our customised tours are based on two-way communication. We strive to let our participants get into the grid of Amsterdam and feel what it is like to work and live in this vibrant, diverse city



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Eva van Dijk, Co-founder & Owner at Amsterdam Odyssey, posted

Broodfondsleden gezocht

Beste allen,
Wij zijn bezig met het opstarten van een broodfonds. Gemeenschappelijke factor van de leden: duurzaamheid, bewust leven, maatschappelijke verbinding. Op het moment zijn we met ongeveer 20 mensen. Er zijn minstens 25 mensen nodig om van start te kunnen gaan. We sluiten ons aan bij de Broodfondsmakers. Voor meer informatie:
Voertaal is Nederlands!
Mocht je interesse hebben mee te doen, dan horen we graag van je. Stuur dan een mailtje naar

Eva van Dijk's picture #Citizens&Living
Eva van Dijk, Co-founder & Owner at Amsterdam Odyssey, posted

Mini internship (shadowing) for US student on sustainable renovation of historical buildings

Hi fellow Smart Amsterdammers,
We (our private tour guide company with sustainability as a default setting) have received a request from a US scholar who's interested in shadowing initiatives in Amsterdam, that are related to sustainable renovation of historical buildings. Is there anyone here that would like to give her the opportunity to help you in your work for a few days during the second or third week of June?

This is her message:
My research centers around how to modify historic cities, built long before sustainability was a factor in development, in order to make them environmentally friendly without drastically altering the historical landscape which, I'd argue, is crucial to protect. I've noticed that, in the US, this is a hinderance to sustainable development, as the majority of major cities are to some extent historically protected and, in general, people are unwilling to find compromises that protect both history and the environment.
So, in theory, I'd like to focus on the intersection between sustainable development and historical preservation, or projects that deal with modifying or adding more efficient components to classic parts of Amsterdam's landscape. I am interested in shadowing a project that deals with these topics for just two to three days.

Eva van Dijk's picture #CircularCity
Eva van Dijk, Co-founder & Owner at Amsterdam Odyssey, posted

Electric cars wanted for high-end tourism in Amsterdam

The 5 most luxurious hotels of Amsterdam house guests that are sometimes interested in private tours by car through the city. Driving around, in a luxurious car interior while looking at the sites.

Normally the hotels hire limousine services for this. The downside of these car-rides are that the guides aren't really involved in the historical, cultural and social fabric of the city ànd the car itself is never electric, making this more polluting than it should be.

Amsterdam Odyssey stands for a different kind of tourism: sustainable, local and meaningful. Therefor we never do these kind of car-ride excursions.

But, what if.... we could partner up with a company that promotes the use of electric cars, offering high-end chauffeured electric cars for us to use as a means of transport? We work together with Taxi Electric off course, but we are hoping to get in touch with other companies as well, maybe to help them in a start-up phase or to promote a new business model. To get in touch, please send an email to

Eva van Dijk's picture #Mobility