Go2Zero is a serious role playing game for decision makers to experience the consequences of individual decisions and different strategies to ‘go to zero’ carbon emissions.
City-zen was an international consortium, a program stimulating learning-by-doing in Grenoble and Amsterdam between March 2014 and November 2019. The results can be found in a booklet or in detailed reports. http://www.cityzen-smartcity.eu/home/reporting/deliverables/
What is the goal of the project?
Go2Zero is a serious role playing game for decision makers developed by City-zen partners Delft University of Technology and DNV GL. It enables stakeholders in the energy transition towards clean energy in cities – such as local governments, construction companies, network operators, (local) energy suppliers and citizens – to experience the consequences of individual decisions and different strategies to ‘go to zero’ carbon emissions. By experiencing this in a game setting, you will be able to take better decisions in real life.
In a typical Go2Zero game session you start by determining your strategy: what are your personal preferences and what approach will you take to achieve your objectives. During game play you will execute your strategy and try to achieve your objectives interacting with other players. The session concludes with a debriefing and reflection on your results.
Go2Zero considers the following actors, objectives and measures:
-- Actors: governments, utilities, residents, contractors, housing corporations.
-- Game objectives: reduce carbon emissions, reduce energy consumption, increase renewable energy.
-- Measures: energy saving, energy production, and energy distribution technologies.
Different phases in the energy transition pose different challenges to stakeholders. To facilitate different needs, Go2Zero includes two game versions. The table top game facilitates more interactive sessions where stakeholders jointly tackle challenges in the energy transition. The Go2Zero game software (in bèta stage) features more realistic models and thorough calculations to provide participants with a feasibility check of the measures they take during the game.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
What can other cities learn from your project?
The game is ready to be tested and will be available to cities across Europe soon!