Share a ride, Toogethr.
Share a ride, Toogethr.
Toogethr is a ridesharing platform developed within the Zuidas that removes all barriers associated with traditional carpooling. In association with Accenture, ABN AMRO, ENGIE and PwC we joined forces to develop a state of the art service that makes commuting work better by traveling together. Toogethr makes sharing rides with colleagues easy and fun by automatically providing the best matches and rewarding users by means of earning points. This project has recently won the The Hague Innovators 2017 public prize.
Toogethr is a Dutch start-up. We believe that commuting works better when we travel together. By driving together, we can beat traffic jams, solve parking problems reduce emission and create new networking opportunities at the same time! The Toogethr app connects colleagues in communities. You don’t have to search for colleagues to share a ride with yourself, the Toogethr app automatically matches colleagues on the basis of location, working schedule and car ownership.
With Toogethr, organizations can transform their corporate mobility plan in an innovative and environmentally responsible way, whilst saving costs on traveling expenses. In turn, Toogethr also benefits employees, namely by expanding their networks and rewarding them for shared rides with colleagues.
Aimed results
We all know that sharing rides is better. It results in more parking spaces, and a reduction of traffic jams, CO2 emissions and traveling expenses. Our ambition is quite simple: The Netherlands is better off having 25.000 less cars on the road. If we can realize that together, this leads to...
*50.000 users expanding their network every day
*2000 rush hour avoidances at Zuidas Amsterdam in 2017
*>€ 30 000 000, annual savings in travel expenses
*> 17 000 tonne, reduction on our combined annual CO2 emissions
Current results
In the three months since we launched our service the number of organizations and users that use Toogethr, has grown fast. This month we are implementing Toogethr in four organizations. At the moment we are discussing the implementation of Toogethr with 43 more organizations. Besides that we have established a partnership with the City of Amsterdam in our first months.
In association with Accenture, ABN AMRO, ENGIE and PwC we joined forces to develop a state of the art service that makes commuting work better by traveling together.
Planned developments include expanding the scope to communities sharing rides to festivals and other events. We also constantly develop new app features, which are the result of listening to our users. Furthermore, Toogethr has just gone international, with our service now available in Belgium, Luxemburg and a large part of Germany. Since Toogethr is very scalable and applicable the next step will be enrolling our service to even more companies, regions and countries.
Strong and committed partners are essential to make projects a success.
Toogethr is very scalable and applicable for other cities and even countries. Our service can be replicated in any city with a business area.
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Vanuit het programma van de EDIH Digital Hub Noordwest organiseren BouwLab R&Do en 3D Makers Zone weer een Innovation Dinner.
In een wereld waar we allemaal werken met een scherm, is het belangrijk om stil te staan bij ‘hoe’ we daarmee werken. Hoe verwerken we informatie? Hoe slaan we informatie op? Hoe voorkomen we een overload aan mails en data? En hoe zorgen we ervoor dat we efficiënt blijven in een steeds digitaler landschap?
Om organisaties en hun medewerkers hierin te ondersteunen, heeft de overheid samen met verschillende partners de Maand van de Digitale Fitheid gelanceerd. Deze jaarlijkse campagne in maart richt zich op de digitale vaardigheden van de 4 miljoen keniswerkers in Nederland.
Samen met Martijn Aslander, een van de initiatiefnemers van deze campagne en auteur van onder andere ‘Ons werk is Stuk’, nemen we je mee in de wereld van digitale fitheid en de vijf essentiële pijlers:
Do you work on innovative new ideas and are in for a project where talented students develop digital prototypes of websites aiming for Change? Do you want work with students from the most innovative datascience programme of the University of Amsterdam? Please reach out to me and drop me an email at: or call me.
Students Computational Social Science are tasked with designing a website aimed at driving behavioral change in the contexts of climate change, surveillance, renewable energy, Circular economy or health. The project involves iterative prototyping and testing phases, which include conducting focus groups and experiments to refine users’ experience and impact.
The final deliverables include:
Students will also prepare and deliver a presentation of the study’s major findings to the partner, stakeholders, and their peers.
In 16 weeks from a challenge and idea into a prototype.
The only commitment we ask is your time, for at least 1 hour a week.
Please let us know if you have interesting project ideas!
greetings, Suzanne Hansen, head of partnerships Computational Social Science
M: 06- 482 72 193 |
De opleiding Computational Social Science, is een innovatieve datascience opleiding van de UvA gericht op de publieke sector. Onze internationale en gepassioneerde studenten werken 2x per jaar, in februari en september in teams aan digitale producten zoals websites, data analyses, infographics en meer.
Wat wij zoeken zijn ambitieuze opdrachtgevers en innovators, die 1 uur per week willen investeren en boeiende challenges kunnen aandragen gericht op gedragsverandering en systeemverandering.
Bel gerust als je meer informatie wilt. Mijn nummer is 06- 482 72 193 en mail is
Onze studenten werken op de Roeterseiland campus in Adam Oost, waar we voor onze partners ook een fijne werkplek kunnen bieden op de momenten dat zij online of fysiek studenten coachen en inspireren.
Power to the people? Jazeker! Actief burgerschap, gemeenschapszin – het is helemaal in. Mensen zijn toe aan verandering en willen een stem hebben in de dingen die belangrijk voor ze zijn. De grote uitdagingen van onze tijd vragen om grote oplossingen en daar willen we onderdeel van zijn. Meer en meer krijgen we dat samen voor elkaar, buiten de gebaande paden, in vernieuwende organisatievormen, of op eigen initiatief – niet langer aan de zijlijn, maar midden in het speelveld. Van samen je eigen droomwoning maken tot het testen van ons collectief vermogen om te delen.
Ontmoet de doeners en makers die de maatschappij terugpakken om de wereld vooruit te helpen. Op 29 januari organiseren A Lab en Vandejong de 5e editie van Curious about... We duiken in nieuwe organisatievormen, nieuwe woonvormen, nieuwe zorgvormen en nieuwe natuur. Er zijn succesverhalen en hobbels op de weg. We ontrafelen hoe geld onze samenleving beïnvloedt, krijgen inzicht en handvatten om onze idealen te verwezenlijken, we leren hoe een initiatief niet wordt overgenomen door kapitaal en hoe niks zorgt voor meer... Bekijk het volledige programma en meld je gratis aan op
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We are a group of students from Lund University (Sweden), studying our Master in Information Systems. In one of our courses, we are doing a research about sustainable/smart cities in Europe and after reading about Amsterdam, the choice of city became easy!
By looking at this project, we see that you would fit very well in an interview about the smart city initiatives in Amsterdam from an entreprenoural point of view. We would be very grateful if you took your time to help us out answering our questions, which will take around 45 min - 1 hour.
If you would like a copy of our report when it is finished, we’ll gladly share it with you!
Please contact me and I will explain more:
Best Regards,
Fredrik Waldau
Otto Fredriksson
Rexhep Haliti
Ruijing Cheng
Dear Toogethr Team, are you interested in the opportunity that 4th year Economic students of the University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam do a research assignment for your project? New projects start soon: pitches in the week of October 9th. When interested, please call me at 06 41162579
Hi Michiel, tx for the suggestion!
For now this is not foreseen. In a next release (mid april), it will be possible to proactively invite (multiple) colleagues for a ride (if these colleagues are also know within Toogethr, so they have to register first). If you have specific interest: feel free to connect directly (via linkedin )
rgds J
Could you provide a website along side the app? I would like to enter names and home addresses of my colleagues, tick if they are coming to a meeting, and Toogether calculating who could ride with whom. Is that possible? Entering all this on a smart phone seems troublesome to me.