International Governance Olympiad, fifth Edition, 2019

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Dear colleagues and friends,

We are happy to send to you the call for participation for the 5th edition of the International Governance Olympiad in Bucharest, Romania, spring 2019 - held under the auspices of the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA). The contest challenges the participants (BA & MA students from all over the world) to write an essay on the topic of governance – they are asked to start with a research question and to develop a solution to the problem that it raises.

„The International Governance Olympiad" is proposing to stimulate and harness the imagination and creativity of the most talented students in the study areas of governance, social sciences, communication and so on, focusing on social innovation and governance reform thus creating the premises for a sustainable development of the society.

We are waiting for your registration!

Al the best,
Catalin Vrabie, PhD

