Hello Amsterdam Smart City Community,
I would like to extend an invitation to the kick-off key-notes of the MIT Summer Workshop on the 28th of August.
Between 10:00 to 11:30, there will be an open lecture by the MIT Center for Real Estate Director, Siqi Zheng, and the Scientific Director of AMS Institute, Eveline van Leeuwen, on the topic of Decarbonization and the Social Cost of Climate Change.
Eveline will dive into “The (im)possibility of a fair transition towards carbon neutral cities” and Siqi will talk about “Cities, buildings, and climate change: mitigation and adaptation”.
If you are interested, please email tvenver@mit.edu so we make sure we have enough seats. The event will take place at the AMS Institute, in the Amsterdam lecture room on the 1st floor, and you are welcome to walk in from 9:45 am onwards.
For reference, the abstract of Siqi and Eveline is attached below.
Siqi Zheng is the STL Champion Professor of Urban and Real Estate Sustainability at the Center for Real Estate of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is the faculty director of the MIT Center for Real Estate. She established MIT Sustainable Urbanization Lab in 2019, and MIT China Future City Lab in 2017. Prof. Zheng was the former President of the Asian Real Estate Society (2018- 2019) and is on the Board of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA). She is the Co-Editor of the Journal of Regional Science, and Environmental and Resource Economics.
Eveline van Leeuwen is an expert in urban economics, is Scientific Director at Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute). In addition to her role at AMS Institute, Eveline is Chair of Urban Economics at Wageningen University & Research. Furthermore, she is Vice President of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), a member of the OECD Expert Advisory Committee on Rural Innovation and a member of the International Advisory Board (IAB) of the Amsterdam Economic Board. In various other committees she advices both national and regional policymakers.
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