Business leaders and other experts from the European Commission, Holland Cicular Hotspot, Rang-Sells, Amager Resource Center, Neste, Aker Solutions and more will be sharing experiences, solutions and creating new possibilities for business partnerships. This Summit will give an opportunity to strengthen the ties between the Nordics and the Netherlands in the field of Circular Economy. This event is offered free of charge registration is, however, required.
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Looking for Internship Opportunities in Circular Economy – 6 Months
I am a Master’s student at The Glasgow School of Art, specializing in Innovation Design and Circular Economy. Originally from Austria, I am very interested in gaining practical experience through a six-month internship in Amsterdam, a city known for its pioneering efforts in Circular Economy.
My goal is to build professional experience in this field and, ideally, to bring this knowledge back to Austria to help advance sustainable practices there.
For my Master’s thesis, I focused on the fashion industry, particularly on how the textile sector in Scotland can transition to a circular model, with a primary focus on my main stakeholder, <em>Johnston of Elgin</em>.
I would be very grateful to discuss any potential internship opportunities you might have. Please feel free to reach out to me!
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Best regards,