Outdoor Office Day - Connect with nature & be active outdoors during working hours.

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On June 13th 2024 we will celebrate the 6th edition of the international Outdoor Office Day. It’s an open invitation to take your work outside. Please make use of the urban nature around your office. Use your working day to be active outdoors and increase vitality.

This year’s theme is 'Connecting with each other’. This means you can connect with your direct colleagues, colleagues from other departments, neighbours, or external relations. Please make the effort on Thursday 13th June to go outside in the vicinity of your workplace or office. Work in the urban nature and notice the difference.

Please join the growing network of individuals and companies that take their work outside more and more often. Get inspired whilst you spend time surrounded by urban nature. This enhances new and meaningful relationships, stimulates the flow of good ideas and supports the forging of valuable collaborations.


