China Business Week 24-27 september

The China Business Week was created for entrepreneurs with the ambition to do business in China, and aims to provide information about the export of goods and services, and doing business in China. The program consists of substantive presentations, practical tips from experiential experts, roundtable discussions on current themes and one-on-one talks in which Dutch diplomatic representatives from China are also present.

Opportunities for Dutch companies:

The steadily developing economy of China offers opportunities to both large and smaller specialized Dutch companies. During the meeting the focus is on opportunities and market developments within the following sectors:

• Agro-food / Horticulture

• High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM)

• Water and Environmental technology

• Logistics / Belt and Road Initiative

•Urban Development

Program and more information:

The program of the China Business Week takes place at various locations:
• 24 September: Tilburg

• 25 September: Zaandam (more information will follow)

• 26 September: Arnhem

• September 27: Rotterdam

Participation in the meeting is free, but registration is mandatory. In case of a no-show without cancellation, € 75 will be charged. You can register from 20 August on the website of the RVO.

