Upfall Shower: "The new way to shower" where Wellness meets Sustainability

Upfall Shower: a Dutch solution for water scarcity

Water scarcity is an increasing global problem. The UN has predicted that by 2025, a third of the world's population wil suffer from severe water scarcity. This will not only be a serious problem for Africa but also for parts of North America, China and Europe.

In the Neherlands 43% of the water used in a household is attibuted to showering. Using the Upfall Shower system is far more luxurious than a regular shower ánd saves up to 90% of water and energy.

The Upfall Shower provides 40 liters of wter per minute and uses only 1-2 liters a minute. The Upfall Shower is the easiest way to increasingly save on water and energy and still to enjoy a Wellness shower every day.

We would love to connect with you and show you the working of the shower. Let's see what we can do together for a healthier environment in the world!

This sustainable Upcycle shower is invented by René Betgem. He has been working on this invention since 2003. In 2011 his first protype was ready and in 2014 the first Upfall Shower was sold. Now the Upfall Shower has been taken into production by one of the largest Dutch manufacturers in bathtubs ans showertrays of Europe, Beter Bad BV.

www. Upfallshower.com

