Spectral and Alliander have launched a new blockchain-based energy sharing token at De Ceuvel in Amsterdam. Named the ‘Jouliette’, the new token aims to empower individuals and communities to easily manage and share their locally produced renewable energy.
To read the full article, please go here: https://spectral.energy/news/jouliette-at-deceuvel/
Full article: <https://spectral.energy/news/jouliette-at-deceuvel/>

A birds-eye view image of the De Ceuvel which consists of 16 office buildings, a greenhouse, a restaurant, and a bed and breakfast – all connected to a private, behind-the-meter smart-grid.

A screenshot of the real-time power-flow map of the De Ceuvel microgrid, which is one of the features of the Jouliette platform. The energy data of each building is visualized in real-time, with the green lines representing renewable energy feed-in, and red lines signifying that the building is consuming from the grid.
Smart Stories
Check the article about Jouliette featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

What is the goal of the project?
The Jouliette – named after the Joule unit of measurement for energy – is the first such initiative of its kind in the Netherlands. The project aims to become a landmark example of how to harness the capabilities of blockchain technology to create greater social value and to support a bottom-up transition towards a more distributed, robust, and transparent economy, underpinned by 100% renewable energy.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
The Jouliette platform was developed by Spectral, a smart energy services company (and spin-off of sustainability consultancy Metabolic), in collaboration with Alliander, one of the Netherland’s largest distribution system operators and creator of the Jouliette concept. Besides the peer-to-peer blockchain trading system, the Jouliette platform is equipped with a number of additional features, such as a real-time power-flow map of the community, high-resolution data visualizations, and machine-learning forecasting systems, which provide users with greater insights into their (real-time) energy use and projected production / consumption. You can see it live on the Jouliette website (https://jouliette.net/map.html)
What is the next step?
The trading interface for the Jouliette is not publicly accessibly, however, via the interface, users can select which wallet they want to send Jouliettes to, and the transactions are automatically validated and displayed on the embedded blockchain explorer. Beyond manual transactions, the Jouliette platform also supports user configurable automated trading functions. Over the course of Q4 2017, the De Ceuvel community and Jouliette system developers will be working on integrating new features and applications, such as local time banking and car sharing.