The Circular Utility Hub Challenge

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The City of Amsterdam has taken the initiative to develop the Modular Circular Utility Hub, an innovative concept aimed at providing a future-proof solution to challenges related to space utilization, finances, technology, aesthetics, and climate. The Nutshub concept is part of two parallel trajectories: a local innovation process that was already underway and a second trajectory in which the concept is being submitted as part of the EU call "Rethinking Urban Spaces Towards Climate Neutrality."

Project Phase

The project is currently in its research- and implementing phase. A significant step was taken during a digital meeting on December 19, 2024, where a coalition of stakeholders began forming, and the plans for the EU subsidy application were further solidified.

What is the goal of the project?

The primary goal of the project is to demonstrate the Utility Hub concept on a practical level through two pilot projects. These pilots will showcase how utilities and shared elements, such as solar panels and community functions, can be integrated into public spaces. This approach aims to optimize space usage, offer more sustainable solutions, and improve the quality of life in increasingly dense urban areas.

What are the expected results?

The initial outcome of the project includes enthusiastic commitments from various project partners to support the EU subsidy application. These commitments provide a strong foundation for the further development and implementation of the Utility Hub pilots. Additionally, a collective approach and shared sense of urgency surrounding the challenges have been reaffirmed.

Two pilot projects are set to develop the Utility Hub concept, enhancing the quality of public spaces. Several organizations have committed as project partners, while others will act as executing parties without formal roles.

Plans for 2025

In 2025, the focus will shift to refining the subsidy application and further developing the pilot projects. Key steps include:

  • Finalizing work packages and project structure in January.
  • Continuing collaboration with knowledge institutions.
  • Organizing follow-up meetings.
  • Building a coalition with other interested parties.

Who initiated the project, and which organizations are involved?

The project was initiated by the City of Amsterdam. The following organizations are involved:

Project partners: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), AMS Institute, TNO, and VDL.

Executing parties: Alliander, Vattenfall, and Bright.

Internationally, Lyon and Stockholm are involved as the Lead City and Lighthouse Cities, respectively.

What’s next?

The coalition of project partners, together with the City of Amsterdam, will submit an application for the EU Horizon Call. The deadline for submission is February 11, with the hope of securing the funding to bring the vision to life. It is important to note that even if the EU does not approve the project, the local innovation trajectory will continue independently.

