Coding for Amsterdam

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Coding for Amsterdam is looking for professionals working at primary and secondary schools in Amsterdam.

What is the goal of the project?

The goal of Coding for Amsterdam is to educate children the skills they need for the jobs of the future. We want to ensure that 21th century skills become as commonplace at primary schools en middle schools as maths and languages. In this way we try to create more tech talent in Amsterdam, so they will work at one of the Amsterdam based startups.

What is the result of the project?

The aimed result is that every school in Amsterdam has 21th century skills implemented in their curriculum. When this happened, we will educate the kids the skills they need for the jobs of the future. The jobs that will be very important for the innovative future of the city of Amsterdam.
However it is still a big challenge and we plan to achieve this when digital literacy is mandatory in the education.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

StartupAmsterdam initiated this project and in collaboration with partners who have a impressive track record in coding eduction, including Bomberbot, NewTechKids, ITRandsteden en CodeUur. The ABN AMRO Foundation sponsors the programme with manpower and by ensuring that the basic requirements for coding lessons are met at schools; for example, they have donated over 1,500 laptops so far.

What is the next step?

The next step is to help schools implement coding lessons into the curriculum. By organising workshops for school boards and directors, we will gradually convince relevant stakeholders in education on the importance of the issue and help them introduce the next steps. Furthermore, the workshops will serve a facilitation purpose, enabling the schools to know where to go when they encounter problems.

What can other cities learn from your project?

It's difficult to convince schools of this important topic.



Hi Martin,
Bedankt voor je reactie. Kun je me per e-mail aangeven op welke manier je denkt een bijdrage te kunnen leveren? Mijn e-mail adres is:

Zie je mailtje tegemoet!


Martin Zwart's picture
Martin Zwart

Hallo Annemijn, ik vertegenwoordig AppAtSchool en wij hebben Apps die gebruikt worden in het onderwijs met name ROC's, Ik vind je project interessant, wellicht eens kijken of ik iets kan bijdragen?
Groet Martin
