eGGZ Innovatiecentrum

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Funded twice with ERDF (EFRO Kansen voor West) (Total: €1.814.997,-)

Funded twice with ERDF (EFRO Kansen voor West) (Total: €1.814.997,-)

What is the goal of the project?

The demand for mental health care is increasing. As a result costs are rising, but governments have to reduce health care spending. At the same time citizens demand more tools for managing their own (mental) health.
The eGGZ Centre-project contributes in solving these challenges by using an integrated approach; high quality and evidence-based products.
The centre is a knowledge platform for prevention and self-help in mental healthcare. Self-help in mental health care cannot be achieved without proper scientific testing.
Therefore the platform combines efforts of universities, mental health institutions and the end-users.

What is the result of the project?

eMental Health (apps and virtual reality) is an important solution, because it contributes to cost-reduction and at the same time guarantee accessibility to health care for all EU-citizens.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

Stichting Arq, VuMC, AMC, Interapy Nederland, IJsfontein, Little Chicken Game Company, CLeVR, GGZ Noord-Holland-Noord, Motekforce Link, GGD Amsterdam

What is the next step?

