Health Prospects 2025

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Envisioning a healthy population of Amsterdam in 2025

What is the goal of the project?

Creating a healthy environment for our citizens through social innovation and technology, and stimulating behaviour towards a healthier and conscious future.

What is the result of the project?

We aim to achieve not only healthier, happier and more conscious citizens, but to include and support those who are not completely self-sufficient and need that extra help. We aim to create the right conditions with the right focus on prevention, care and cure. A healthy city is an ongoing process! The municipality of Amsterdam therefore wants to improve its understanding of future developments concerning the health and wellbeing of its citizens and decide on how to respond to the variety of future behavior. Together with a large team from the municipality and stakeholders from the domains of healthcare, economy and consumer goods, we have gained insights in future behavior of citizens of Amsterdam and worked towards a set of eight innovation goals for interventions in the domain of health and wellbeing. This resulted in a vision report on ‘Health and Wellbeing of Amsterdammers in 2025’.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

The City of Amsterdam (including the Public Health Service), Philips, de Waag Society, Zilveren Kruis, Ahold, Sigra, AHTI, Amsterdam Economic Board, Heartbeat Venture, Reframing Studios.

What is the next step?

The municipality will use the framework to better define the role of future city government towards health and wellbeing of citizens and to develop, stimulate or discourage behavior and facilitate existing and future interventions in the domain.
Also collaborating with external stakeholders and start ups more frequently and making more use of technology and social innovation.

