Besides taking on the heavy rainfall problem (rainproofing the city) we focus on making our products and the producers we work with circular.
Rainbeer (Hemelswater)

What is the goal of the project?
Our goal is to let people take action to adapt to climate change and heavy rainfall(rainproofing). The ultimate goal is to go from awareness to really implementing rainproof measures. In the slipstream of this goal we also work on the most circular beer and brewery in cooperation with 'de Prael' in the world
What is the result of the project?
- Make 100 buildings in Amsterdam rainproof, catch water, turn this into products.
- install 200 raintanks that catch 200.000 liter of rainwater before it hits the amsterdam sewer.
- create the most circular brewery in the world.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
Joris Hoebe.
other organisations that are involved include:
Intratuin Amsterdam, Amsterdam rainproof, HvA, Medialab Amsterdam, Knowledge mile, De Prael.
What is the next step?
- We need more buildings and organisations as rain catching partners
- We have a logistic challenge
- We are working on smart barrels
What can other cities learn from your project?
- turning a menace into a pleasure. Lots of cities need to cope with the same 'rainproofing' challenge. This idea sparked a lot of fun and enthusiasm with a wide range of people, many of them were not particularly interested in circular economy.
- a good story sells itself. We have not spent any money on PR, still we have been all over the media and still are.
- Don't think, do! We took the credo from de HvA mediala: think big, start small.
- A open cooperation between science, entrepeneurs, education and NGO's work as long as you are willing to work from the common interest
This is very nice beer, got it from @richardhoving and it tasted awesome!