An initiative of 10 sports associations, the local city council and some entrepreneurs to build and maintain strong and sustainable sports grounds.
Smart Sport Parks
What is the goal of the project?
People from field hockey club AthenA had the intention to share their knowledge on sustainability with other sports associations in Amsterdam Oost. Around 10 sports associations, the local city council and some entrepreneurs now work together to build and maintain strong and sustainable sports grounds.
Our main goals are to:
· Improve Energy Efficiency
· Look for possibilities in Generation of Energy
· Actively support improvements in the eco-system
· Create community among stakeholders
· Seize opportunities for collaboration
Smart Sport parks have formulated three focus areas based on several meetings: Energy, Lighting and Community.
Energy Efficiency and potential for Energy Generation
The potential for Energy Efficiency in club houses has been determined. A number of sports clubs has received an initial advice based on an energy scan. Now this is being put into action by looking at concrete solutions for energy saving, efficiency and generation, for both the overall sports park as well as per clubhouse. Football club WVHEDW is the first club to have realized the acquisition of solar panels and as from this summer will generate more than 5,000 kWh of energy. HC AthenA and possibly other clubs follow the end of the year 2013.
A Social Cost Benefit Analysis and calculation tool (roadmap) have been put together and provide an evaluation framework for sports clubs to move towards sustainable and economically viable lighting for sports fields (LED). For the different associations an inventory of the number of light poles, fixtures, consumables and maintenance is being done. A natural time for replacement / installation of the field lighting is being examined. Options are football, tennis, ice skating and hockey.
A number of associations is currently developing a plan for the Smart Sport parks. In the framework of cooperation it examines topics on how the Sport parks can share resources, knowledge and work together on smart solutions for instance for parking problems. Also, knowledge is gained from other initiatives in the field of sport park management.
What is the result of the project?
Until now the following results have been achieved. The project is still ongoing, so it is expected to show more results in the future.
Two clubs have participated in the first pilot
In total there are 24 solar panels installed
Until February 2014 about 1800 kw / h was generated
There is a calculation model prepared which clubs can help to calculate whether an investment can be profitable for them.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
Hockeyclub Athena, Jaap Eden Ijsbanen, WV-HEDW, Duurzaam verenigen, Liander, Alliander
Hi @melchiorkanyemesha1 , zou jij Kris hier verder mee kunnen helpen?
Hi, hier weet nu ook @melchiorkanyemesha1 de juiste ingangen en contactpersonen voor!
@krissteen , ik begreep dat je graag meer wilde weten over dit project en dan met name over de betrokkenheid van de eindgebruikers (de sportclubs) bij de ontwikkeling van deze producten! @bramsieben weet hier mogelijk meer van!