Why I Love You

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Why I Love You is a series of video portrayals of two generations of citizens of the world, living in the Netherlands. They reveal what they admire in eachother and what makes them wonder. Most of the parents were not born in the Netherlands; most of the ‘children’ were.

What is the goal of the project?

Currently, at least half of all city dwellers are foreigners. Their connection to Dutch society is often seen as a problem. Yet most newcomers are doing well. Their stories are seldom seen or heard. You can find them here.

Why I Love You does also show portrays of Dutch families, because every generation enters a new world, different from that of their parents.

What is the result of the project?

The videos themselves are not the ultimate goal of Why I Love You. Welfare organizations, schools and groups of young people use these portraits to make their own project or start discussions about their past and future.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

Jonge Sla with professional filmmakers Aliona van der Horst, Babette Niemel, Floris-Jan van Luyn, Kibret Mekonnen, Jet Homoet, Grietje Keller and editors Inti Mego and Marlene van der Kooi.
Cultural and edicational institutes like highschools, museums and the university of applied sciences are involved.

What is the next step?

Photographer Negin Zendegani and journalist Nies Medema are making portrayals of multi ethnic families and interviews. A book and new educational programme is developed.

What can other cities learn from your project?

It's important to show positive rolemodels for all citizens.

