Asad Hussain Syed


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Asad Hussain Syed, Master's Student , posted

Smart Citizens: Engagement and Participation

For my Master's Thesis, I am pursuing the topic of Smart Cities from the perspective of the citizen. Primarily, focusing on first, the awareness among citizens about their cities "smart initiatives" and secondly, the extent to which they participate and would like to participate in such initiatives. My sample population consists of normal citizens as I would like to investigate how much the average citizen is aware of these things. However, I am looking for people on this forum who have somewhat of a previous experience either about or working with smart cities who I could hopefully conduct a short interview with so I could use that as sort of a benchmark when compared to normal citizens of a city.

Asad Hussain Syed's picture #Citizens&Living
Asad Hussain Syed, Master's Student , posted

Smart City Thesis

Hey everyone,
I'm in my last semester right now and I'm supposed to submit a Master's Thesis by February. I have always been interested with everything regarding smart cities. Previously, I had done sort of a mini thesis if you will, on the awareness among citizens about smart cities and how they can be involved more in the planning and development of such cities and not just solely focusing on the technology aspect. I would like to further explore how people from different cultures think differently and basically have different mindsets and opinions about smart cities. Would like to know from the people over here if this is a good topic to pursue and/or if you have suggestions for any other topic in the same field I could do.

Thank you.

Asad Hussain Syed's picture #Citizens&Living