Johannes von Dohnanyi


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Johannes von Dohnanyi, Journalist , posted

journalistic help

My name is Johannes von Dohnanyi. I'm a German journalist planning to do a big festure story on "Amsterdam Smart City". If anyone - project creators, project managers and of course community members and citizens of Amsterdam - would like to see me during January 13 - 17, 2017, I would be delighted.
The idea is not only to explain the overriding rationale for making Amsterdam "smart", but to use single projects as showcases for what urban communities should could and should be prepared to do in order to improve our future living conditions.
Although I'm aware of possible time constraints, I really do hope to get some reactions to this request.
you may reach me at any time on this platform. Or on my regular e-mail: or by phone on +49 173 522 4172.
Thanks for your assistance - Johannes von Dohnanyi

Johannes von Dohnanyi's picture Request
Johannes von Dohnanyi, Journalist , posted

Journalist needs help

Smart City Amsterdam will feature prominently in the next issue of "Change" Magazin of the Germany based Bertelsmann Foundation. "Change" covers political, social and economic trends worldwide. This time Smart Cities will be at the core of our investigations.
"Energy, water and waste", but also Mobility, Infrastructure and Technology and Circular City will be important topics in my report on Amsterdam. But to do so, I will need the help of you, the local visionaires, movers and shakers.
From your perspective: What are currently the most ambitious, but also the most promising projects under way? Who are the people to talk to?
I will be in Amsterdam from Jan. 10 - 15, 2017.
Whoever wants to support me will be most welcome.
You may reach me on my e-mail address
or on my cell phone +49 173 522 4172
Thanks for your assistance
Johannes von Dohnanyi
Change Magazin

Johannes von Dohnanyi's picture #Energy