Gijs Boerwinkel


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Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

Facebook Farewell (again)

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Openbare vergadering van de Facebook Liberation Army maandag 16 april 20.00 uur in De Waag, Amsterdam.

Facebook Liberation Army is verheugd dat de beweging om Facebook te verlaten publieke aandacht heeft gekregen. Na de Cambridge Analytica onthullingen van whistleblower Chris Wylie komt #deletefacebook goed op gang. In Nederland zet de lancering van door Zondag met Lubach de stroomversnelling in gang.

De eerste Facebook Farewell Party vond plaats in 2015. Op initiatief van Waag en Institute of Network Cultures werd een vreugdevol afscheidsfeest georganiseerd in de Stadsschouwburg. De argumenten om Facebook vaarwel te zeggen waren toen ook al overweldigend, van privacyoverwegingen en verslavingsverschijnselen tot de vercommercialisering van vriendschap.
De vraag toen en nu is:
"Wat is het alternatief?"

Op 16 april zal deze vraag centraal staan. Wat is Mastodon en hoe werkt Signal? Bestaan Ello en Diaspora nog en hoe bevalt het daar? Wie staat er in de startblokken met een alternatief? Wat zijn de voorwaarden waar een sociaal platform aan moet voldoen? We zullen ook bespreken wat de beste manier is een Facebook-account te deleten. Niet iedereen kan zijn netwerk zomaar opgeven, heeft een eigen massamedium of marketingbudget om volgers te blijven informeren. Wat zijn de afwegingen voor personen en organisaties? Maar ook: hoe vertel ik het mijn familie en vrienden? Hebben we afkickklinieken nodig of is iedereen nu wel klaar met Facebook en is de betovering allang doorbroken?

Sluit je aan bij de Facebook Liberation Army en begin je eigen initiatief. Organiseer een meet-up of begin een Facebook Anonymous kring. Vaarwel zeggen tegen Facebook is een bevrijding, dat moet gevierd worden!
- Marleen Stikker
- Geert Lovink

De Facebook Liberation Army campagne is een vervolg op de 'Unlike Us' conferenties van het Institute of Network Cultures (HvA lectoraat) en de Facebook Farewell Party die in april 2015 door o.a. Waag is georganiseerd in de Amsterdamse Stadsschouwburg.
Facebook Farewell Party (2015):

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Apr 16th
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

MakeHealth MeetUp

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What if patients, healthcare professionals and designers would work together on open design and digital fabrication to develop personal care solutions? Discover the possibilities of digital fabrication for you as a healthcare professional, informal caregiver or as a citizen with a care need. Or see what you can attribute, as open-source designer or developer, to the personal needs of patients.

A 3D-printed finger splint? An open-source prosthesis? A custom designed tricycle? A simplified TV remote control for Alzheimer patients? Or self-developed lamps for a wheelchair?

With the advent of digital manufacturing technology and the accessibility of online knowledge, it is possible for citizens and healthcare professionals to develop (high-quality) care applications themselves or to improve existing tools.

But how does that work exactly? What can you do as a professional with digital manufacturing? How can you, as a caregiver or someone with a care demand, realize design solutions? What do you need for that? Where can you go for support and expertise? And, what about the legal limits?

In this Make Health MeetUp, experts explain the opportunities and challenges of ‘makeable healthcare’ and show inspiring examples. Afterwards we discuss what the impact of this development means for individual situations or professional practice.

Made4You & Careables
In addition to the MeetUps, we will soon start a development course in which we will develop a number of open-source design applications for care at Fablab Amsterdam. Under the guidance of experts, we will develop the ideas into a working prototype, clear description and accessible blueprints. We will work with a newly developed platform Careables, which will allow us to co-create open source care solutions and spread them to a wider audience.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Apr 19th
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

Black Box Bellagio

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The Black Box Bellagio - an unusual casino that won't take your money, but is after your freedom, integrity and private data instead. Play with the (un)fairness of expected values and chances, predicted risks, and giving up your identity. Disclaimer: The house always seems to win.
Play and find out which personal data you are willing to share with your fellow players. During the game you will learn to look at your personal data in an alternative way. Do you care about your privacy or about winning the game? How far do you go?
During the evening you can visit the casino between 8 - 11 pm to play roulette, poker or blackjack. Be on time to be guaranteed of a spot at the table.

Algorithms, information and uncertainty
It is a well-known fact that Facebook uses algorithms to track our behavior. But what these algorithms do is commonly unknown. This creates an untrustworthy situation towards information provided by these algorithms, think about information on food, technology, news, doctors or banking. Everything is false until proven otherwise.
One of the driving forces behind a gambling game is the uncertain state of 'simultaneously knowing and not-knowing'. With poker players risk their bet by judging the value of their cards over their opponents’ by trying to deduct clues from non factual elements when playing face to face. One tries to read the opponent's behavior and facial expressions, and assess whether they’re bluffing or not.

Proof is ‘found’ in subjective predictions – a mathematical game made human. This subjectivity is surprisingly similar to profiling risks and identities through online algorithms. Think of someone who googles nail polish, who is automatically considered female. Such elements of uncertainty, insecurity and overgeneralization are indispensable for the Black Box Bellagio.
Black Box Bellagio is has been developed by Roos Groothuizen, a designer and artist from Amsterdam that works around with digital rights. Black Box Bellagio has been realized in collaboration with Ymer Marinus.

The Black Box Bellagio is organised as part of the project DECODE. Via the casino DECODE engaged a new group of people to increase awareness of the issues around personal data and data commons.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 732546.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Apr 12th
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

Smart Citizens Lab: citizen science crash course

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What exactly is citizen science? And what is its importance? What can we all measure ourselves, but how can we do that best, and perhaps most importantly, how do we use the acquired knowledge to make our living environment healthier and more enjoyable? In this crash course we explain the idea behind citizens science and we look at the potential of this movement for society, based on the lessons we have learned in various projects.

Entrance is € 5 (incl. one drink). This evening is Dutch spoken.

- Welcome and introduction by the moderator of this evening: Frank Kresin (DesignLab UT Twente).

- Presentation of the Making Sense publication: Citizen Sensing, a toolkit
Ivonne Jansen-Dings (Waag Society) presents the new publication 'Citizen Sensing, a toolkit', in which the results of the European project Making Sense are explained. What lessons have we learned in recent years, what is the importance of citizen science and what is the potential?

- Reflection on the Smart Citizens Lab particulate matter measurements
To make the concept of citizens science concrete, we present a project that is currently ongoing. Together with the RIVM and a group of Amsterdammers, we are investigating the effects of fireworks on the concentration of particulate matter (pm) in the air from just before the turn of the year until now. During this evening Joost Wesselink (RIVM) will talk about the approach of these measurements and will we discuss with participants about the results that these measurements have produced. What we can do with this knowledge?

- Measuring particulate matter yourself
After that, we will use the RIVM sensors ourselves and measure the difference between particulate matter indoors and outdoors under different conditions. What do we measure and what does that mean?

About the Smart Citizens Lab
The program series of the Smart Citizens Lab consists of participatory workshops, presentations and design sessions aimed at improving and mapping the living environment. In what world do we want to live and what role does technology play in this? We explore solutions that we can directly influence ourselves. Together we develop do-it-yourself (or do-it-together) solutions and creative interventions. There is room to experiment and learn, to explore together what we want and how we can achieve it.

Making Sense has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 709443.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Mar 8th
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

Everyday Hacking Workshop

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Can we rediscover everyday object by hacking them? Can we dissect a computer mouse and find new ways of using it? In this Everyday Hacking workshop designers and artist Jesse Howard tells about his research on new design and production systems for everyday objects. After this we will hack a computer mouse in our Fablab.

Makerspaces, Fab Labs, 3D-printers and other digital machines are becoming part of our daily environment. Everyone can design and make things themselves nowadays. What are the effects of more makers and makerspaces?

Artist and designers Jesse Howard kicks off this series on ‘Critical Making’. In his work he investigates the production strategies of new products for our daily lives. These strategies have been developed and explored through the collaborative project Hacking Households.

In this hands-on workshop we begin with a low-cost, mass-produced object: the computer mouse. Through an anatomic dissection, we will first explore its components, origin, and production. With this knowledge, we will then create novel reinterpretations of this familiar device. What can happen when the simple function – such as scrolling through content – is translated into new objects and interactions? Outcomes could range from the practical (a youtube volume dial) to the playful (a party-clacker for noisy presentations). Through this exercise, we will explore how making can lead to new understanding of everyday things.

There are limited spots available for this workshop. You can buy a ticket for € 5, this includes a drink during the evening.

19:00 Doors open
19:30 Welcome en introduction
19:40 Workshop DIY Everyday Hacking
20:30 Presentation by Jesse Howard
21:00 Continue workshop
21:45 Reflection en drinks
22:30 End

Jesse is an Amsterdam-based designer focusing on creating objects that question the established relationship between designers, producers, and users, which as a result speculate on new systems of making. Jesse initiated an independent practice in 2012 after graduating from the designLAB at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. With roots in the DIY communities of FabLabs and makerspaces, his work explores how new approaches to making can influence daily life. Currently, he is investigating alternative approaches to the production of everyday things through the ongoing collaborative platform Hacking Households. In September 2017 Jesse Howard started his residency at Waag Society as part of the 3PackageDeal Social Design.

About ‘Critical Making’
‘Critical making’ is a series of workshops for and about makers. For each workshop, we invite a maker, thinker, inventor, designer or artist and have a discussion. After that we start making in our Fablab.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Feb 15th
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

Smart Citizens Lab workshop luchtkwaliteit bij vuurwerk meten

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Rond de jaarwisseling van 2017-2018 organiseren het RIVM en Waag Society samen met burgers in Amsterdam weer een meetcampagne naar de effecten van vuurwerk op de concentraties (fijn)stof in de lucht.

Je kunt op verschillende manieren meedoen aan dit experiment. Door een sensor van het RIVM te adopteren voor een periode van minimaal drie maanden, óf door bij te dragen aan het meetnetwerk met eigen sensoren. Er zijn 25 sensoren van het RIVM beschikbaar.

19:00 uur - Introductie door een expert van het RIVM en een expert van Waag Society.
19:30 uur - Bouwen van sensoren waarmee je (fijn)stof kunt meten. We richten ons op low-tech sensoren waarvan een deel in elkaar gesoldeerd moeten worden.
20:30 uur - Testen van de sensoren. Wij zorgen voor (toegestaan) vuurwerk, zodat we (buiten) ook echt kunnen onderzoeken of de sensoren werken.
21:00 uur - Reflectie op de testresultaten, de data die verzameld worden en de wijze waarop je de data kunt zien.
Afsluiting, borrel

Mensen die een sensor van het RIVM adopteren om gedurende minimaal drie maanden metingen in hun buurt in Amsterdam te doen, krijgen de sensor mee en uitleg over het opzetten en aansluiten van de sensor. Hiervoor heb je een ononderbroken (wifi) verbinding met het internet nodig.

Hoe werkt het?
In een periode van minimaal drie maanden wordt de luchtkwaliteit met eenvoudige sensoren gemeten. Voortbouwend op de ervaringen van de afgelopen jaarwisseling gebeurt dat nu met een volgende generatie sensoren. De resultaten worden op een nieuw dataportaal weergegeven.

Aan bestaande netwerkjes van metingen wordt de mogelijkheid geboden om, onder voorwaarden, hun data ook in het vuurwerk-experiment op te nemen. Na de jaarwisseling willen we zien hoe lang de sensoren goed blijven werken en hoe de resultaten zich onderling verhouden. Tijdens de workshop wordt een overzicht gegeven van het vuurwerkexperiment van afgelopen jaar en een vooruitblik gegeven op het nieuwe experiment.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Dec 20th