Jolanda Tetteroo


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Jolanda Tetteroo, Researcher / Project manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted


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Hoe kan de inbreng van responsieve technologieën de verblijfskwaliteit en het publieke domein van openbare ruimtes versterken?
Rondom deze vraag heeft het lectoraat Bouwtransformatie van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam samen met RUIMTELIJK ONTWERPERS, INTERACTION DESIGNERS EN LOKALE STAKEHOLDERS de ontwerpopgave van responsieve publieke ruimte in de praktijk verkend.

Tijdens het symposium presenteren Frank Suurenbroek, Ivan Nio en Martijn de Waal de uitkomsten van ons tweejarig praktijkonderzoek, tonen we inspirerende voorbeelden en gaan we in gesprek over toepassing in de praktijk. Aan het slot reiken we de publicatie RESPONSIEVE PUBLIEKE RUIMTE uit.

Deelname is gratis, maar het aantal plaatsen is beperkt. U kunt zich aanmelden via

Jolanda Tetteroo's picture Event on Jan 22nd
Jolanda Tetteroo, Researcher / Project manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

IoT meets Data Science Hackathon

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IoT and Data management are hot topics in today's world.
The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, together with IoT academy and Amsterdam ArenA are organizing an IoT meets Data Science Hackathon. During this 3-day hackathon, the objective is to come up with innovative solutions for crowd management of Amsterdam ArenA.

Do you have what it takes to bring crowd management to the next level and win the IoT meets Data Science Hackathon?

More information and registry via:

Questions? mail to

Jolanda Tetteroo's picture Event from Jan 24th to Jan 26th
Jolanda Tetteroo, Researcher / Project manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Co-Creating Responsive Urban Spaces - website launched!

How to adjust public space real time to its users? This is the leading question in the Co-ReUs action-research project. The project brings together urban designers, interactive concept developers and local stakeholders and explores hands on the development of a possible responsive urban space. The Chair of Urban Design at the Faculty of Engineering of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences initiated and leads the project. Involved project-partners are 15 companies, 3 start-ups, ArenA-Boulevard- entrepreneurs, the Municipality of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Smart City, 2 urban planner associations), the TU Delft and the UvA.
Please visit our website

Jolanda Tetteroo's picture News
Jolanda Tetteroo, Researcher / Project manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Co-Creating Responsive Urban Spaces

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The rapid developments of smart sensoring kick-started a new industry. However, in relation to public space, sensors are mainly used in interactive objects as part of cultural or temporal exhibitions like the Amsterdam Light Festival and Glow in Eindhoven. The Co-ReUS project aims to bring these kind of objects into the challenges of spatial design of public space.

Do you have a question, are you interested to join and/or would you like to follow the project via Newsletters? Please send an mail to project manager Jolanda Tetteroo via j.i.a.tetteroo @ (remove spaces)

Jolanda Tetteroo's picture #DigitalCity