Flexible street lighting

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Sustainable development of public space.




What is the goal of the project?

As a company providing public services, Alliander sees it as her duty to facilitate the transition to a sustainable, reliable and safe energy supply. One of the elements Alliander focusses on is the sustainable development of public space. Alliander offers a 'Open Smart Grid Platform' that makes it possible to monitor and manage all kinds of different objects in public space, through any kind of application or communication infrastructure. Alliander hopes to stimulate the maximalisation of market mechanisms.

What is the result of the project?

Flexible switch system
In the field of public lighting, municipalities and provinces can now be able to control the switches and dimming devices. They are not dependent upon one specific supplier. Alliander wants municipalities and provinces to make the transition to this flexible switch system for public lighting.

Pilots in Amsterdam, Leiden and Zaltbommel
In early 2013, a pilot got underway in Amsterdam, Leiden and Zaltbommel, to gain experience with the flexible switch system. The Amsterdam pilot (in Osdorp, Nieuw-West) forms part of the Amsterdam Smart City programme. The tests in Amsterdam and Leiden involved placing 50 'smart' light masts, to try out the flexible switch system.

Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?

This project is intiated by Alliander.


1 Comment

Juliette Castillo's picture
Juliette Castillo

Hi, I am from México and I'm looking into smart cities and projects that we can implement in our community, I would be very grateful If you could answer some questions about the implementation of this project.
You can contact me: a01176655@itesm.mx
Thank you
