De Ceuvel is one of the most sustainable and unique urban developments in Europe.
De Ceuvel

What is the goal of the project?
De Ceuvel is a planned workplace for creative and social enterprises adjacent to the van Hasselt kanaal off the river IJ in Amsterdam North. The land was secured for a 10-year lease from the Municipality of Amsterdam after a group of initiators won a tender to turn the site into a regenerative urban oasis. The goal is to provide an example for closing nutrient cycles, clean the soil in a natural way, and experiment with new technologies. All while serving as a creative office terrain.
What is the result of the project?
The former industrial plot has been turned into the most unique and sustainable urban developments in Europe. The site features retrofitted houseboats placed around a winding wooden walkway and surrounded by an landscape of soil-cleaning plants.
The city can benefit from it by having clear examples of applied sustainability, but also provide inexpensive workspaces for creative entrepreneurs. The partnerships and research related to De Ceuvel is already benefitting the surrounding region of Buiksloterham. In 2015 the stakeholders in the region committed to transitioning the entire industrial region using circular building principles. More developments with similar principles are now making their way into the region.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
Space&matter: Urban strategy and design, architecture, jetty, project development
Smeelearchitecture: Project development, community
Jeroen Apers architect: Project development, finance
Metabolic: Development and execution of the overall sustainability plan for the site
DELVA Landscape Architects: Design and construction purifying park and concrete sculpture
Studio Valkenier: Design Café de Ceuvel
Woodies at Berlin, Wees Vormgever, Brett: Contractors
Waterloft: Financial advice
Partners: Stichting DOEN, Waternet, Triodos, Stadsdeel Noord
What is the next step?
Continuing with research into new sustainable technologies that can compliment the site. The project evolves each year, and will always continue developing. Next to the technology developments, we are also focused on De Ceuvel members and community. Improving our cohesion, continuing to develop our vision for the site, and have an active outreach program so that interested people can always join the project in one way or another.