Decision support systems for locating smart mobility hubs

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AMS Institute and SmartHubs are happy to announce the second episode of their webinar series on Mobility for the City of Tomorrow on 3 February from 14:00-15:00 (CET).

Decision support systems for locating smart mobility hubs

With the growing use of shared mobility modes comes the need to regulate and organize them into hub access points that offer several modes together. But there's a challenge. How should these hubs be located in a city so that they contribute to mobility sustainability and positively impact its urban fabric?

With that in mind, the SmartHubs project has been developing a decision support tool to help find the best potential areas for installing shared mobility hubs. It comprises a multi-criteria approach that integrates several objectives into the same overall potential score, providing cities with a geographical picture of where they should prioritize their investments.

Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Rodriguez Correia and Miquel Martí Casanovas will explain the method behind the decision support tool, using the city of Amsterdam as an example.

