Demoday: Circular & Digital innovations

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In our program of Tuesday July 6th Circular will meet Digital. Demodays are part of our innovation process and intended to boost the progress of the various innovation projects. Always in a variety of ways and in a very positive and open vibe. Invitations are sent but we're always open to adding a few new names to the list.

We host these days every 8-10 weeks. During Demodays, community members pitch projects & ask for input, and in small groups we work on concrete questions that our partners put on the table.

Pitches to explore:

• Can we unify powerful, complex tech with a democratic society? – KNVI
Subsidy opportunities for innovation partners – City of Amsterdam
• Building bridges that stimulate bike use – Pontiflex
• How to take circularity and energy into account when it comes to data storage – A’dam Economic Board


Circular ICT - AMS Institute & Gemeente Amsterdam
De production, purchase and use of ICT equipment happens mostly in a well known linear model. But what if we could let the end user manage their hardware in a circular way? Together we'll identify what’s needed to come up with the ideal monitor for sustainable ICT.

Materials Passport – Provincie Noord-Holland
A materials passport could truly speed up circular construction. It gives insights on what’s deconstructed when demolition is taking place and reused in new designs. The different experiences with the Cruquiusbrug and the Bruggencampus Flevoland-Floriade will serve as examples to pinpoint challenges and opportunities.

Responsible IT en data – Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Building a responsible IT System isn’t done overnight. There’re equipment choices, energy use, privacy and security. Not all aspects get the same attention which has consequences for the transparency and accessibility. We'll work with the question: How can you truly built a responsible IT system?

Have a question? Let’s hear it in the comments!


Amsterdam InChange's picture
Amsterdam InChange

Hi Thomas, I forwarded your request to my colleaques. I hope there's still a spot for you! Cheers, Robin


Hi, how can I sign up and stay updated? Sounds wonderful!

Amsterdam InChange's picture
Amsterdam InChange

Hi Kim, Of course. I'll have my colleaque reach out to you via email. Cheers, Robin

Kim van Wijngaarden's picture
Kim van Wijngaarden

Hi! Is it possible to receive more information about the Material Passport workshop?
