How to make smart mobility hubs work for everyone? The why of citizen engagement 

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AMS Institute and SmartHubs are happy to announce the third episode of their webinar series on Mobility for the City of Tomorrow on 24 February from 14:00-15:00 (CET).

How to make smart mobility hubs work for everyone? The why of citizen engagement

There are quite some challenges for cities and other stakeholders to make mobility solutions well-tailored for everyone. It starts with finding suitable methods to engage and actively involve different user groups, such as citizens. Subsequently, they have to identify individual user needs with the traveller and co-create transport solutions for the traveller.

With citizen engagement, we try to provide the silent majority with an opportunity to raise their voice. If the SmartHubs project engages the citizen, the city-citizen relation will improve.

Marc Boijens and Laurens van Roozendaal will share some use cases and methods, actively involving the audience.

