How to set up a startup ?

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How or when do you decide to set up your own company? What do you need?
In this talk Ingmar Vroege, CEO of the startup Safeguard app (, will share his experiences of the past few years, starting from scratch, going through difficult moments and reaping the rewards of succes.
Safeguard app was recently named amongst the top100 most innovative companies in the Netherlands.
This talk will be given in Dutch.

Why these workshops?
Entrepreneurship is an important skill these days, whether you have your own company or work for a company. The fast changing business models require a different approach to almost everything.
Where during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Industrial Revolution the entire business model was focusing on increased efficiency and minimizing errors, today during the 4th Industrial Revolution Continuous Innovation seems to be the new norm. The best way to deal with it is to educate students, employees and company founders in the art of entrepreneurship.
That’s why Windesheim, University of Applied Sciences, is offering 4 workshops to all their students, and for this special occasion, also to non-students, whether you are an entrepreneur, employee or manager.
Register if you want to benefit from this opportunity !

09.30 - 09.45h - Walk in
09.45-10.45h - Keynote speaker Ingmar Vroege, CEO Safeguard app
10.45-11.30h - Networking

