Learn from a diverse group of academics and professionals who are mavericks in their field. They bring their real world insights and expertise into the room providing access to the most up to date impact strategies and systemic change. Established founders and innovative business owners of top agencies, companies and startups will guide you.
Conversations about a new, inclusive, sustainable and circular economy are becoming more common nowadays. To gain clarity, we should always map the broader ecosystem and go beyond products and customers. Using the Business Model Kit we will map complex ecosystems, identify different stakeholders and investigate value exchanges between them to identify challenges, and define improvement areas and opportunities to explore further towards the new economy. At the end of this Impact Masterclass, we will discuss potential cross industry collaborations and partnerships.
Time: 14:00 – 17:00
Partner: Shervin Fekri from Board of Innovation
For who: Expand members (included) | Non-members and Explore members pay €299,95 per ticket
Sign Up here: eventbrite.co.uk/e/313251552827
Read more here: [amsterdam.impacthub.net/event/impact-masterclas…](https://amsterdam.impacthub.net/event/impact-masterclasses-29-09/ "https://amsterdam.impacthub.net/event/impact-masterclasses-29-09/")