Intelligent Cities Challenge - 5th City Lab

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The fifth and final ICC City Lab will take place June 14 - 23. This special edition will focus on Local Ecosystems Mobilisation and Urban Innovation following feedback received from cities and experts on previous ICC City Labs.

The City Lab will launch on June 14th with sessions open to the ICC community and the public. Week 1 will be dedicated to mentor led Thematic Network sessions, where the ICC Mentor Cities will present successful solutions and good practices implemented in their cities. During week 2, the Peer Reviews sessions and Transversal Network sessions on Open Data and Public Procurement will be in the limelight. The closing event is scheduled for June 23rd.

As ICC mentor, the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region will contribute to the following sessions:

  • Thursday, June 16, 11.30-12.30 Mentor session Amsterdam Metropolitan Region: Building Talent Development Ecosystems (open to ICC community)
  • Tuesday, June 21, 12.00-13.30 Public session 2 – Artificial Intelligence – Redefining Urban innovation (open to the public; registration possible via the this link)
  • Wednesday, Jun 22, 10.00-11.30 Transversal workshop on Public Procurement (open to ICC community)

Joining a session
Are you a stakeholder from the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region and would like to participate in any of the sessions dedicated to ICC community?  Please send a short email to Cornelia Dinca via indicating which session(s) you would like to join in order to receive the relevant calendar invite(s).

For more information and the complete program please visit:

