Lancering: EU Wet- en Regelgeving CircuLaw

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Discover how new and existing EU legislation and regulations can help your municipality or province accelerate towards a circular economy. During this webinar we proudly reveal the launch of this important new part of the CircuLaw platform.

This webinar gives policymakers, lawyers, and all stakeholders within decentralized governments the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the role of European legislation in the transition to a more sustainable future. And what the importance is for decentralized governments.

What can you expect?
Introducing the EU Law and Regulation Section on CircuLaw: A tour of the latest addition to our platform, designed to improve the accessibility of relevant EU legislation for Dutch decentralized authorities.

Importance of EU Regulations: An in-depth discussion on the importance of EU laws and regulations in the circular transition, including examples of how these laws are already bringing about positive changes.

Explanation of 5 important laws: An overview of legislation within the EU that is crucial for the circular economy

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