Always wanted to learn to 3D-print or lasercut, as to create a practical object or a beautiful piece of art?
Join us at the Makerspace of the Public Library for a free worskhop (check the website for what you need to bring & prepare!)
Always wanted to learn to 3D-print or lasercut, as to create a practical object or a beautiful piece of art?
Join us at the Makerspace of the Public Library for a free worskhop (check the website for what you need to bring & prepare!)
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Power to the people? Jazeker! Actief burgerschap, gemeenschapszin – het is helemaal in. Mensen zijn toe aan verandering en willen een stem hebben in de dingen die belangrijk voor ze zijn. De grote uitdagingen van onze tijd vragen om grote oplossingen en daar willen we onderdeel van zijn. Meer en meer krijgen we dat samen voor elkaar, buiten de gebaande paden, in vernieuwende organisatievormen, of op eigen initiatief – niet langer aan de zijlijn, maar midden in het speelveld. Van samen je eigen droomwoning maken tot het testen van ons collectief vermogen om te delen.
Ontmoet de doeners en makers die de maatschappij terugpakken om de wereld vooruit te helpen. Op 29 januari organiseren A Lab en Vandejong de 5e editie van Curious about... We duiken in nieuwe organisatievormen, nieuwe woonvormen, nieuwe zorgvormen en nieuwe natuur. Er zijn succesverhalen en hobbels op de weg. We ontrafelen hoe geld onze samenleving beïnvloedt, krijgen inzicht en handvatten om onze idealen te verwezenlijken, we leren hoe een initiatief niet wordt overgenomen door kapitaal en hoe niks zorgt voor meer... Bekijk het volledige programma en meld je gratis aan op
Back in November 2014, we organized the first Dutch chapter of ThingsCon in Amsterdam, after the inspiring first Berlin edition in spring 2014. After 4 years in Amsterdam, 4 in Rotterdam en 2 Covid editions, we decided to go back to Amsterdam, and also go back to Volkshotel, to mark our 10 years celebration!
Our theme for this edition: Generative Things
The inspiration for this year’s conference is the transformation of the new generative artificial intelligence in our digital lives to the physical world, the objects we use, and the places we live. What will be the physical realization of the “generative twin intelligence”? What will it mean for makers and designers of these things? How will ethics play out, and what new models of use and trust will emerge?
The program is ready. Check the latest confirmed program here. They are all inspired by this theme.
On the latter:
We want to create an exhibition commissioned by ThingsCon to explore the next decade of living with things. We hope to inspire designers and makers of future things. We like to explain the context of an experience that ignites debate and critical thinking by engaging our community through speculative objects and things.
Our program:
🎓 <strong>Thursday</strong>: long-form workshops for even more in-depth knowledge exchange and interacting with peers.
🎉 <strong>Thursday evening</strong>: celebrating 10 years of ThingsCon with special evening program with inspirational talks, music, and drinks
🎤 <strong>Friday</strong>: the good old mix of inspiring keynotes, short project-pitches, 2-hour workshops, exhibition, and meeting each-other.
This year, the regular price for one day is <strong>100 eu</strong>, and the full conference pass is <strong>175 eu</strong>. The ticket includes entrance and catering on the conference days. You are also invited to join our special Thursday evening program.
My name is Pınar Ebe-Güzgü, a PhD student at İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Turkey, currently conducting research at the University of Twente. My doctoral research focuses on social justice and disadvantaged groups in the context of smart city applications, with a particular emphasis on the mobility of elderly people (defined by WHO as people over the age of 65).
As part of my research, I conduct in-depth interviews with residents (aged 65+) of Amsterdam, caretakers of elderly individuals, and those working on (or with expertise in) smart city initiatives. The goal is to explore the mobility experiences of 65+ people in Amsterdam and develop policy recommendations to enhance social justice in urban management.
If you would like to share your experiences, your participation in this research would be invaluable. All interviews will be conducted at a time and format that suits you.
Thank you for your time and consideration. Your insights will greatly contribute to our understanding of how smart city applications impact the mobility and quality of life of older individuals.
If you are interested in participating, please reach out to me via the email address below:
Best regards,
Pınar Ebe-Güzgü