16% car owners considering replacing car with shared transport

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Amsterdammers are a lot more positive about shared transport than day trippers and commuters, and cost savings are seen as the biggest advantage. It also appears that many Amsterdammers have old assumptions with regard to availability and costs. The municipality of Amsterdam has therefore launched a campaign to draw attention to the many advantages of shared transport.

The municipality of Amsterdam has commissioned a survey among Amsterdammers, day trippers and commuters. It is clear that Amsterdammers are much more positive about shared transport (49%), than day trippers (36%) and commuters (32%). No less than 16% are considering replacing their car with shared transport. Cost savings (39%), convenience (25%) and environmental benefits (19%) are the main advantages of shared transport. The arrival of mobility hubs, MaaS (mobility as a service) apps and more insight into current car costs are also reasons to opt for shared transport.

The campaign makes it clear to the Amsterdammer that there are many advantages when it comes to shared transport. Do you drive less than 10,000 kilometers per year? Then a shared car is quickly cheaper. And it also results in a lot less hassle. In addition, there is the freedom of choice from a wide range of bicycles, scooters and cars, better accessibility in the city and cleaner air because much of the shared transport is electric. But also more space on the street, because if we share bicycles, scooters and cars with each other, fewer means of transport are needed.

Availability significantly increased
In the past year, the supply of shared transport in the city has increased considerably. The number of shared cars in public space has risen from 1,250 to almost 2000 and it is expected that hundreds more shared cars will be added this year. In addition, you can choose daily from about 750 shared cars of Amsterdammers who share their own car. Since last summer, 700 shared scooters have been driving through the city as an experiment and from 15 June, also as part of an experiment, 1300 shared bicycles and 100 community cargo bikes will be added step by step.

Note from ASC: What are your thoughts on this? Let us know bellow.

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I wish more people took example from Amsterdammers.


Very important initiative. Shared transport should be really promoted everywhere
