40 Open Data Projects that are redefining Smart Cities

In honor of New York City’s Open Data Week 2017, Peter Murray has compiled a resource featuring 40 smart, data-driven projects reminding us of open data’s value on the website Carto.com.

The examples are categorized by service type and alphabetically listed because projects democratizing access to open data should be celebrated equally:

* Navigating Open Data Sources
* Transparency and Accountability
* Performance Management
* Transportation and Infrastructure
* Resilient City Planning
* The IoT of Smart Cities
* Civic Engagement

Many of them could be of use to you. In any case, it gives great insight into the possibilities of open data to city governments.

Read more: http://bit.ly/2nR60vQ



Sari Erpo's picture
Sari Erpo

Love it, this is absolutely fab I share and let you know, if I get any useful comments from my Finnish colleagues :D just love it, thanks and wish you great Easter time. Maybe we should go to Helsinki one day and meet some of these people

Sari Erpo's picture
Sari Erpo

My pleasure :) if you need any other information just let me know (or translate) cheers

Egbert van Keulen's picture
Egbert van Keulen

Hai Sari,
ah, that is a great subject and article. Thank you very much. I will see what I can publish about that. Stay tuned.

