The first dwelling made of recycled bricks will be finished in February in Rotterdam. The sustainable bricks are developed by a start-up named StoneCycling.
The WastedBasedBricks that are used to build are a product of StoneCycling. Since 2013 this start-up works on processes to recycle demolition into quality bricks. Therefore StoneCycling investigates the composition of demolition to determine of which waste it consists. After this StoneCycling makes new building materials from the waste they can use. ‘’It is a real craft because each stone needs its own process’’, says Ward Massa, one of the initiators of StoneCycling. Massa can make high-quality bricks, and now his enterprise starts to research how it can adapt the shape of the products. The dwelling in Rotterdam is the first completed project of StoneCycling. Besides this project the start-up works on other projects within the Netherlands and received the first requests from Scandinavia and the United Kingdom.
Source: Duurzaamleven
Picture: Duurzaamleven