for duped catering companies in the Achterhoek

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The corona virus affects all of us and the government took far-reaching measures last Sunday, March 15. One of these measures is the ban on visits to catering establishments, which of course has a lot of impact for this sector. No visitors, means no income and so the future has become very uncertain for many catering companies. The Cabinet has also decided that take away and delivery of meals is still permitted. Many catering companies are cleverly responding to this and we want to give them a helping hand with

On we have created a free platform where all catering companies that (will) deliver can register themselves. So do you deliver in the Achterhoek? Sign In! is an idea of ​​the Team of BeSite BV from Aalten. For questions you can contact us at or call Jurgen on 06 10 33 95 49. See for more information about our company.

