Reisproef Update (in English) Now open for more Amsterdammers and public professionals

Can you miss your car for two months?

Join our travel experiments!

Experience what it is like to travel without your car. Hand in your car for two months for other transport.

The experiment aims to gain insights into the behaviour of people when they can no longer use their car but must travel by bicycle, sharing-mobility or public transportation. In this way, the municipality and transportation providers will gain insights into which alternatives must be improved. There is a "travel trial" (Reisproef) for residents and a travel trial for public professionals.

Travel test for residents

In the first round, Amsterdammers handed in their car and parking permit for two months to experience how a different way of traveling suits them. In return, they received an amount of travel credit from all connected carriers. Their experiences and insights are now being mapped out.

Do you want to participate?

Sign up now for the second round in March and April. There is room for 70 participants.

Sign up travel test for residents

For more information, see the Dutch FAQ about the travel trial for residents or mail to

Amsterdam is growing, and you can notice this because of the crowds in the city. Amsterdam wants to be and remain an attractive city. That is why it is necessary to invest in the quality of life and the accessibility. Solutions such as extra roads and extra parking spaces are no longer sufficient. On the one hand, because there is no space available, on the other hand, because we do not want to make this space for it. If we continue to travel in the same way, the city will get stuck. Change is needed.

