City of Amsterdam

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Program Partner Amsterdam Smart City

The muncipal government of the city Amsterdam. For the departments that are part of the Amsterdam Smart City community, please scroll down.


115 Organisation members

  • William Simonyan's picture
  • Kim Nathalia's picture
  • Guy Vincent's picture
  • Constance Steenkamp-Faaij's picture
  • Dimitri Bak's picture
  • Bonnie Chopard's picture
  • Anne Lieke Vonk's picture
  • Remko van Wijk's picture
  • mara van der kleij's picture
  • Monique Custers's picture
  • Sigrid Jörissen's picture
  • Chris ten Dam's picture
  • Trix Berkhof's picture
  • Ebbi Elferink's picture
  • Barbara van Tol's picture
  • Menno van der Linden's picture
  • Vania Stonner's picture
  • Ilona Kemps's picture
  • Marieke Meijer's picture
  • Julia Úbeda Briones's picture
  • Robert Valentine's picture
  • Herma De Walle's picture
  • Antina Snijder's picture
  • Claudia Walraven's picture
  • Flip Rosdorff's picture
  • Debbie Dekkers's picture
  • Paul Leenards's picture
  • Doede Bardok's picture
  • Dennys Franssen's picture
  • Tim van de Laar's picture
  • Paul van Streun's picture
  • Yvonne Jorritsma's picture
  • Renske Hoedemaker's picture
  • Patricia Dorland's picture
  • Nalini Kalloe's picture
  • Marthe van Rijn's picture
  • Ellekari Klaasse's picture
  • Johanna Lagarde's picture
  • Jasper Swart's picture
  • Egon Van Wees's picture
  • Noortje Schmit's picture
  • Hennie Loos's picture
  • Jutta Ravelli's picture
  • Julia Groenewold's picture
  • Tomas Rooimans's picture
  • Lejla Kalkan's picture
  • Eric de Kievit's picture
  • Tabitha Saliba's picture
  • Stephan van der Hoek's picture
  • Manon Koffijberg's picture
  • Toby van Spankeren's picture
  • Janne Louise's picture
  • Araf Ahmadali's picture
  • Anjo Reussink's picture
  • Michiel Cleijne's picture
  • Marc Brugman's picture
  • Edwin Oppedijk's picture
  • Ward Mesman's picture
  • Caroline Abbink's picture
  • Theo Veltman's picture
  • Marc van Gemert's picture
  • Jan Benjamens's picture
  • Safia Akkus's picture
  • Anna Veltkamp's picture
  • Jaïr Halevi's picture
  • Sladjana Mijatovic's picture
  • Sigrid Winkel's picture
  • Ger Baron's picture
  • Nanette Schippers's picture


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Vania Stonner, Quartermaster De Bretten at City of Amsterdam, posted

Opgavegericht werken...uhm?!

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Waarom werken wij opgavegericht? Welke opgaves hebben wij te doen? deze een paar andere vragen probeer op een simpel manier te beantwoorden in een YouTube filmpje van 17 minuten.

Vania Stonner's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Maarten Sukel, AI Lead at City of Amsterdam, posted

Kunstmatige Intelligentie werklab Amsterdam

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Praat en beslis mee over de toepassing van kunstmatige intelligentie in Amsterdam. Tijdens het werklab ga je in gesprek over een concrete casus over het gebruik van een sensorenregister in de stad. Hoe moeten we daar volgens jou mee omgaan?

Een extra paar ogen is soms best handig. In Amsterdam zijn er veel extra ogen: camera’s en sensoren. Deze camera’s en sensoren zijn van de gemeente, maar ook van de buurtsupermarkt, dat grote internationale bedrijf of uw buurman. Gemeente Amsterdam wil graag weten hoeveel camera’s en sensoren er in Amsterdam zijn. Het is mogelijk om met kunstmatige intelligentie data van camera’s en sensoren in kaart te brengen. Maar hoe zit het met de privacy van Amsterdammers als zulke data worden verzameld? En is het automatisch in kaart brengen van camera’s en sensoren wel een goed idee?

Wij nodigen u van harte uit voor het KI-werklab, dé plek waar Amsterdammers met elkaar nadenken over het gebruik van slimme toepassingen in de stad. Het werklab wordt georganiseerd door Netwerk Democratie.

Maarten Sukel's picture Meet-up on Apr 6th
Maarten Sukel, AI Lead at City of Amsterdam, posted

City of Amsterdam AI Graduation Research Fair @Datalab

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In this DemoDonderdag edition, we invite you to help us with steering 20 graduation research projects into valuable AI solutions for Amsterdam!

15:45 - Doors open
16:00 - Short Introduction
16:10 - Interactive Poster Session
17:00 - Networking & Snacks

Every year, we give master's students from the field of AI and Data Science the opportunity to conduct their graduation research on real-life problems together with the City of Amsterdam.

This year, we collaborate with 20 students from the University of Amsterdam, the Vrije Universiteit, and the University of Twente, on topics such as measuring the accessibility of our city, creating a healthier, greener, and cleaner environment, optimizing the maintenance of public assets and infrastructure, as well as improving internal processes such as document management.

During this event, the students will present their research directions and current findings, as well as their plans for the remainder of their theses. In a poster session setup, everyone would be able to explore the different projects, enjoy short demonstrations, and have an open discussion about their favorite topics.

What we would need from you is an open mind, constructive feedback, and fresh ideas, so that together we could help all projects crystallize, and eventually, turn them into valuable AI solutions for our city.

Last but not least, this would be a moment for all of us to reconnect and meet each other in a fully physical event.

Maarten Sukel's picture Meet-up on Apr 7th
Edwin Oppedijk, Communication | Media Relations at City of Amsterdam, posted

Marktconsultatie energievoorziening Amsterdam-West: de resultaten

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De stad Amsterdam groeit hard, de samenleving digitaliseert én we willen zo snel
mogelijk overstappen op duurzame energiebronnen. Deze factoren samen veroorzaken letterlijk spanningen op het elektriciteitsnet, onder andere in Amsterdam-West.

In het voorjaar van  2021 organiseerde de gemeente Amsterdam daarom samen met netbeheerder Liander een marktconsultatie. Het doel: creatieve en innovatieve ideeën ophalen om ons elektriciteitsnet zo flexibel, efficiënt en toekomstbestendig mogelijk te maken.

Hieronder vind je een greep uit de behaalde doelen en resultaten:
· Het bedrijfsleven denkt oplossingsgericht mee over de uitdagingen rondom de
· Verkenning en inventarisatie van technieken die een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan het
versterken van ons elektriciteitsnet
· Inzicht in de laatste stand van zaken betreffende bekende technieken
· Update van actieve marktpartijen op het gebied van flexibiliteit

De volledige terugkoppeling van de marktconsultatie vind je via de link onder dit artikel.

Vervolgstap: voorbereiding aanbestedingsproject
De marktconsultatie heeft er mede toe geleid dat netbeheerder Liander voldoende kansen en mogelijkheden ziet om de uitdagingen rondom de elektriciteitsvoorziening in Amsterdam-West succesvol aan te pakken. Het bedrijf is daarom gestart met de voorbereiding van een aanbestedingstraject.

Bijeenkomst aanbesteding Westhaven
In het verzorgingsgebied van verdeelstation Westhaven is sprake van congestie. Als tijdelijke oplossing zal Liander in dit gebied congestiemanagement toepassen totdat het netwerk verzwaard is. Om bestaande en nieuwe klanten, dienstverleners en marktpartijen te informeren over het oplossen van de congestieproblematiek en de aanstaande aanbesteding, organiseert Liander een informatiebijeenkomst.

U bent welkom op woensdag 23 maart van 15-17 uur in de PRODOCK-ruimte van Port of Amsterdam (Moezelhavenweg 9, 1043 AM Amsterdam). Met vragen over de bijeenkomst kunt u terecht bij Stef Lammers (

Edwin Oppedijk's picture #Energy
Edwin Oppedijk, Communication | Media Relations at City of Amsterdam, posted

Consultation on energy supply in Amsterdam-West: the results

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The city of Amsterdam is growing fast, society is digitizing and there is an urgency to switch to sustainable energy sources as soon as possible. Together, these factors are pushing the electricity network to its limits, also in Amsterdam-West.

In the spring of 2021 the City of Amsterdam, together with grid manager Liander, organized a market survey. The aim was collecting creative and innovative ideas to make the electricity network in Amsterdam as flexible, efficient and future-proof as possible.

Below is a selection of the goals and results that were reached:
·   The business community agreed to think along solution-oriented lines about the challenges surrounding the electricity supply
·   An exploration and inventory of technologies that can contribute to strengthening our electricity network was made
· Insight into the latest state of affairs regarding known techniques was gathered
· An update of active market players in the field of flexibility was provided

All information about the market consultation can be found here

Next step: preparation of the tender
One of the results of the market consultation was that grid manager Liander now sees sufficient opportunities and possibilities to successfully tackle the challenges surrounding the electricity supply in Amsterdam-West. The company has therefore started preparing a tender process.

Meeting about Westhaven tender
There is congestion in the catchment area of Westhaven distribution station. As a
temporary solution, Liander will apply congestion management in this area until
the network capacity is enhanced. Liander is organising a meeting to inform
existing and new customers, service providers and market parties about solving
the congestion problem and the upcoming tender process.

You are kindly invited in the PRODOCK room of Port of Amsterdam (Moezelhavenweg 9, 1043 AM Amsterdam) on Wednesday 23 March from 3-5 pm. If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact Stef Lammers (

Edwin Oppedijk's picture #Energy
Maarten Sukel, AI Lead at City of Amsterdam, posted

Lancering van het 'Amsterdam for All'-project

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Op de demo-donderdag van 3 maart om 16 uur lanceert Gemeente Amsterdam samen met World Enabled het 'Amsterdam for All'-project. In dit project meten we met behulp van kunstmatige intelligentie de inclusieve toegankelijkheid van de stad.

We kunnen bijvoorbeeld voorspellen op welke stoepen obstakels aanwezig zijn en waar een verlaagde oversteekplaats is - handig voor de communicatie over de toegankelijkheid van winkelstraten en horeca. Zo dragen we bij aan een inclusieve stad, toegankelijk voor alle Amsterdammers.

Sprekers zijn onder andere:

  • Ger Baron, CTO en Directeur Digitalisering en Innovatie bij gemeente Amsterdam.
  • Dr. Victor Pineda, President van World Enabled een organisatie die zich inzet voor de inclusieve toegankelijkheid van steden.
  • Maarten Sukel, AI lead bij Digitalisering en Innovatie van Gemeente Amsterdam en Phd. onderzoeker bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Maarten zal vertellen waarom we kunstmatige intelligentie op deze manier moeten inzetten, en geeft wat tastbare voorbeelden van projecten.
  • Dr. Jon Froehlich, Associate Professor in Human-Computer Interaction bij University of Washington, waar hij onder andere werkt aan Project Sidewalk. Hij zal vertellen over het project en hoe dezelfde tool wordt gebruikt om de toegankelijkheid in Amsterdam inzichtelijk te maken.

Kom je ook?

Maarten Sukel's picture Meet-up on Mar 3rd
Dimitri Bak, Strategic Communication Advisor at City of Amsterdam, posted

Monitor Amsterdam Circulair

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In Amsterdam praten we steeds meer over het circulair maken van materiaalstromen. Maar om welke materialen en aantallen gaat het nu eigenlijk? Hoe bewegen ze door Amsterdam en welke impact hebben ze op het milieu?

Wethouder Marieke van Doorninck en Rene Koop, programmamanager CE bij Gemeente Amsterdam, delen de inzichten uit de Monitor Amsterdam Circulair. Een monitor – tot stand gekomen in samenwerking met CBS, geoFluxus en TNO – die laat zien hoe materiaalstromen zich door de regio Groot-Amsterdam bewegen. Van import en productie tot consumptie, recycling en verlies. Dankzij de Monitor Amsterdam Circulair weten we hoeveel materiaal er in onze stad rondgaat en wat daarvan de ecologische impact is. De inzichten die we daar uithalen stellen ons in staat om nog betere keuzes te maken in het belang van de circulaire economie.

Benieuwd hoe de monitor werkt? Waarom het een belangrijke asset is voor onze stad? En hoe jouw organisatie een bijdrage kan leveren? Meld je dan aan voor het online event op vrijdag 11 februari tussen 10.00 en 12.00 uur vanuit de studio in Circl.

Met o.a. de volgende sprekers: Marieke Van Doorninck (wethouder Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling en Duurzaamheid), Rene Koop (programmamanager circulaire economie Gemeente Amsterdam), Arnout Sabbe (Data-expert Geofluxus en AMS Institute), Robert Koolen (directeur duurzaamheid Heijmans) en Nathan de Groot als dagvoorzitter.

Dimitri Bak's picture Online event on Feb 11th
Communication Alliance for a Circular Region (CACR), posted

Future-proof your business using these circular strategies - English version

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Check out Dutch version:

Foto: Recycled ArenA chair - designed by Studio Hamerhaai - André Ronchetti

Circular entrepreneurship, how is it done? Learn more using these strategies below.

Refurbished phones, shared cars, furniture on lease: Circular business models that prevent the waste of raw materials, embrace the reuse of valuable materials, and give existing products a second life are now proving themselves in daily practice. Not only is this good for people and the planet, but it also makes your company future-proof. In this article, we explain which circular strategies exist and the opportunities they bring to businesses.

Consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable products and services. Not a single 8 o'clock news broadcast goes by without a segment on sustainability. And young talent want to work for sustainable, circular companies that suit their young 'climate generation.' All of these scenarios are taking place while the Netherlands strives to reduce emissions and raw materials by more than 50% in 2030 and be fully climate-neutral and circular by 2050.

Circular entrepreneurship is becoming the norm. For entrepreneurs, this offers opportunities and challenges. But, for many, there is the question: How does one go about doing circular business?

Circular strategies
According to Inge Oskam, a lecturer on circular design and entrepreneurship at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA), the circular transition requires entrepreneurs to change their view of waste. That starts with examining what ‘waste’ means for your product or materials.

'In a circular economy, we want to prevent waste and pollution,' Oskam says. 'Primary raw materials are running out and 60% of CO2 emissions can be attributed to materials use. The scarcity of raw materials that arises also makes these materials very expensive, which puts a strain on the operating results.' Five common strategies lead to circular business models: Circular resources: apply bio-based or fully recyclable materials and use renewable energy.

  1. Circular resources: apply bio-based or fully recyclable materials and use renewable energy.
  2. Raw material recovery: recover and reuse usable raw materials from end-of-life products or by-products.
  3. Life-cycle extension: extend the functional life cycle of a product through repair, upgrades,and resale.
  4. Sharing platforms: enablea more intensive use of products through shared use/access or ownership.
  5. Product as a Service (PaaS): no product sales, but offer access to a product and retain ownership to achieve a closed loop.

The value of a residual material
Recognising the value of residual material is profitable. 'How we can reuse it for other products and purposes?' says Oskam. ‘At the HvA, for example, we work on repurposing business models, investigating how value can be retained or even increased. For example, we make designer chairs from old plastic ArenA chairs and new interior products from waste wood. Ahrend and Bugaboo do similar things with materials from their old office furniture and surplus spare parts from prams, respectively'.

This delivers ecological value since you do not need new raw materials. Like economic value, you bring a new, attractive product to the market. You can even appeal to a new target group with it. Oskam says, 'The new design chairs, made from old ArenA chairs, even had great emotional value for the new owners.' Sharing insight about the origin of the product can make the business case even more interesting.

Arjan Hassing, the circular innovation strategist at the Municipality of Amsterdam, is seeing more organisations applying their residual materials intelligently in new products. For example, Auping's circular mattresses are made of recyclable polyester and steel from old mattresses. They have recorded information and the origin of the materials in a Circularity Passport.

In addition to using circular materials, companies can design products with modularity in mind. 'That goes to the heart of the raw materials problem,' Hassing says. 'A good example is the Gerrard Street headphones, which offer a lifetime warranty. If something breaks, you don't have to throw away the headphones, rather, they will replace the broken part for free. Damaged parts are then repaired or reused. Consider the demountable construction of a building, such as the Circl building of ABN on the Zuidas, also known as ‘design for disassembly.’ As soon as the building loses its function, it can be used again in its entirety.'

Extending a product’s life cycle
In circular business models that revolve around extending the life cycle, the product is returned to a manufacturer or retailer after a certain number of years, and then it is reused. This might happen when a company buys products, such as office furniture, from the manufacturer, but with the agreement that there is a residual value, which is paid out by the manufacturer when the product is returned.

Some companies, known as 'gap exploiters, make this their entire business, says Oskam. 'Think of companies that take back discarded products from various manufacturers in order to offer them refurbished. You see this happening particularly with smartphones, laptops, and equipment, where you can tell in time when they are about to break down. I expect that in the future we will see companies that specialise in managing materials, that think about the life cycle of the material and the multiple applications within it. They will lease their materials, so to speak, to producers with whom they will enter into a partnership.'

Sharing platforms and PaaS: from ownership to use
Sharing platforms and PaaS are common circular strategies, Oskam says. ‘Think of Peerby and LENA, that respectively rent or lend items and clothing, from and through involved users (peer-to-peer marketplaces). Examples of PaaS are 'Light as a Service' from Philips, which sells the light, not the lamp; MUD Jeans, for leasing jeans and a repair service; and M-Use® from Mitsubishi, which charges for the use of lifts instead of traditional purchase and maintenance subscriptions.'

This article is an initiative of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences | City of Amsterdam | Amsterdam Economic Board | Amsterdam Smart City | Metabolic | Province of Noord Holland. Together we are working to accelerate the circular economy in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, sharing practical stories for and about entrepreneurs and businesses. We invite everybody to join the discussion on

Communication Alliance for a Circular Region (CACR)'s picture #CircularCity