September 11, 2.45-6 PM National Finals AMS ClimateLaunchpad

On September 11th, ten teams of young bright minds will present their cleantech ideas, all with the aim to create a climate-proof and sustainable urban environment.

With ideas ranging from sustainable energy to circular fashion, our ten teams will pitch for a chance to get to the International Finals' stage where they will battle it out with the finalists from over 55+ countries around the globe. Together with this great opportunity, AMS ClimateLaunchpad offers the top finalists a series of other prizes, as for example, a financial consultation from the Positive Venture group, entrepreneurship workshops by Startup in Residence, and financial guidance by ING. The International Finals are on November 14&15 and will also take place in the city of Amsterdam.

But who is going to be our big winner? That is for our panel of experts to decide:

Ger Baron, CTO Amsterdam
Carolien Gehrels, European Cities Director Arcadis
Sebastiaan Berendse, WUR Director Value Creations
Joachim Blazer, Founder Venture Value & coach EIT Climate-KIC
Doors open at 2.45, with the event starting at 3 PM. In the end, we celebrate the successful journey of our teams with some drinks & bites at 5.45 PM.

So come and support these young startuppers on their first steps in the entrepreneurial world.

Feel free to forward this email to other interested parties but since we have limited seating, registration is much appreciated. Please register here.

