SMART-CITY: Defined by insiders.

A Smart-City can be defined as the achievement of maximum quality of life with a minimum use of resources, with the help of the intelligent networking of digital technologies. It is possible to make a city more attractive, more environment-friendly and less wasteful of energy or water, facing several challenges at the same time: social, methodological, technical, organizational and conceptual.
Even if this contemporary utopia for our future cities sounds good, it can be useful to bring in mind that Smart-City and democracy were not primarily related. We are collectively running, worldwide, into this model of living but who asked for it? Mainly IT companies whom business models are based on data exploitation, and governments that sighted a good opportunity to bring private investments in public facilities.
When Artificial Intelligence continues to inspire a lot of innovation debates, we already know that an intelligent decision-making algorithm based on data analysis, would probably not make the same choices than humans, influenced be sensitiveness and natural moral law. What we are living actually is an unprecedented opportunity to up-grade the global efficiency of our urban areas, and implicating all stakeholders in its achievement is the crucial condition to avoid a disastrous bouncing effect against technology in a few decades.


Julien Carbonnell's picture
Julien Carbonnell

Thanks for sharing, you can read some more Smart-City articles on my

Jim Bowes's picture
Jim Bowes

I think limiting smart solutions to digital solutions is not very smart. Minimum resources, quality of life for sure!
There are many analog solutions that are shoved aside as digital is trendy.
A digital billboard is a great example. Sounds great- no printing, no paper but the amount of energy used for one two sided object (bus halt poster) consumes as much energy as 4 average Dutch homes. That is not using minimum resources and is in my opinion, not very smart.
Natural media uses natural materials, generates very little waste and can be produced with zero emissions production units. That just seems a lot smarter to me. But then again, I am a natural media guy!

MELIH GEZER's picture

great article, thanks for sharing!
