Students and teachers/ lecturers: The submission deadline for the student competition for the Transition Zero Award 2018 has been extended. Send in your contribution until March 11th 2018!
Hanze Hogeschool is looking for students to send in ideas that contribute in any way to the energy transition. Contributions may be from various perspectives: from saving energy to energy storage and from circular economy to mobility solutions.
To be able to compare them, students need to provide some additional information using to the two formats in the attached call for projects.
What’s in it for a student?
• A stage to share their ideas at the international conference Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism (
• A strong network of people at the conference that might help to bring ideas further.
• First price: €3000; Second price €1500; Third price €500.
• A commemorative award.
Hmm hard to say because for me it works (in chrome) Is this link working for you?
Hello, I want to register but the website is not working.... is there another place to sign up? another link?