The ASC community and their experiences, interests and desires.

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A while ago, I sent all the community members a survey as part of my internship here. Through this update, I want to share some insights we gained from your input.

Held in October and December 2017, the goal of the study was to find out how Amsterdam Smart City can better serve its community members. This survey therefore asked members to express their experiences with, interests in and wishes for the community website

Respondents indicated to be satisfied with the quality length and relevance of items.

Results have shown a general satisfaction with the website in terms of usability and quality of content. More so, most respondents found the website relevant to their interests.

Although most interest was shown in the theme Mobility, a more general conclusion from this is that the interest differs widely between community-members and is evenly spread.

Those who gave a more critical response also helped us a lot. Main critiques in this were found in some minor e-mail processes (people complained about the many e-mails they get), and the missing functionality of personal messaging on the website.

We do value all opinions gathered through this study and hope to follow up on these in 2018. Already, the Amsterdam Smart City team is working to make the platform more user-friendly, and to stimulate more activity on the platform. This way, networking will be made easier.

A more elaborate write-up of all the responses can be requested by sending an e-mail to <a></a> (subject: inquiry survey results 2017).

Missed the survey, but want to share your opinion about how we can improve the platform? Just drop a comment below!

