The City-zen Roadmap Amsterdam launched in Pakhuis de Zwijger and in Dutch media (NOS, BNR)

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The City-zen Methodology Approach For Urban Energy Transitions: the energy master plan for Amsterdam, Grenoble and all other European cities.

European cities and municipalities have considerable goals in becoming carbon neutral and energy self-sufficient in line with the Paris Agreement. To be successful in reaching climate ambitions we must start now, but it is complex and easier said then done. It requires radical changes such as far-reaching energy renovations, specific approaches, new heating networks, large-scale production facilities for solar power, geothermal energy and green gas. This needs the attention and action of all stakeholders: companies, knowledge institutions, companies, housing corporations and citizens. The European research project City-zen an Urban Energy Transition Methodology is developed to draw an Energy Master Plan for a city.

The plan, a roadmap, exists of several (practical and local oriented) energy interventions and measures, both at the technical and strategic level which can be put on a timeline.

In this City-zen approach the roadmap with urban energy measures for Amsterdam and Grenoble is made in helping achieving their ambitious climate goals. With concrete examples for local neighbourhoods it explains the different scenarios that are necessary to reach ambitious climate and energy targets.

# Launch
At the 15th of March Roadmap Amsterdam is launched at Pakhuis de Zwijger. Bold statements are shared for the city of Amsterdam: 1) Are we going to set aside heritage conservation and renovate the inner city on a large scale? 2) Are we going to build heat networks in the canals? 3) We remain connected to gas -> biogas?

# Interview BNR
At Dutch all-news radio station BNR (9th of March ‘18). Professor Climate Design & Sustainability Andy van den Dobbelsteen and Project Manager at Energy Exchange Enablers (part of Alliander) Ilse Wissink discussing with Roelof Hemmen the City-zen demonstrations Energy Master Plan: Roadmap Amsterdam and the Virtual Power Plant. Interview starts at 19 m. 30 s., interview is in Dutch:

# NOS news item
Dutch Broadcast Foundation made a news item about the Roadmap Amsterdam which will be broadcasted at the same time of the event in Pakhuis de Zwijger 15th of March ’18 (20 m. 50 s.)

# NOS article

Roadmap document
Click here to see the roadmap handouts: <>



Hallo Herman, hierbij:


Ik vraag het even voor je na en kom er bij je op terug.

Herman van den Bosch's picture
Herman van den Bosch

Dag Ruby, is er voor zover jij weet ook al een tekst van de roadmap? Plaatjes op de handout zijn door hun gedetailleerdheid vaak slecht leesbaar.
