Today there are over 40 “Living Labs” and hundreds of experiments, tests, pilots taking place in Amsterdam. Last Friday, 25 January 2019 we asked Amsterdam’s policy makers, knowledge partners and community leaders a series of questions in a fun interactive pub quiz format entitled “Living Labs - New Years Resolution”. The event was divided into various ePolling sessions with the aim to capture and visualise the various interpretations, definitions and attitudes of todays living labs. Make your opinion count! If you want to add your voice to the discussion please visit and take the quick-scan 5 minute survey. We’ll be sharing the results next Friday, 8 February.
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Sensemakers knowledge sharing: Deepfakes & Digital Humans

This Wednesday we have 2 speakers introducing you to the latest on synthetic media (deepfakes) and digital humans.
Manon den Dunnen
Introducing you to the latest developments in synthetic media (deepfake, LLM's)Mao Lin Liao (Reblium)
Introducing the challenges and possibilities of customized digital humans (avatars) and their various applications.
Looking forward to seeing you! Presentations are in Engels, maar we spreken ook Nederlands!
Artikel 'Eigen opwek voor de buurt - Slim omgaan met het bestaande net'

Hugo Niesing, directeur van Resourcefully, werd geïnterviewd in het decembernummer 2024 van het gemeentelijk magazine van Amsterdam over innovatieve oplossingen voor de integratie van mobiliteit, energie en netcongestie. Het artikel laat zien hoe projecten zoals de pilot in Sporenburg in het Oostelijk Havengebied bijdragen aan een duurzaam en toekomstbestendig lokaal energiesysteem. Hier werken we met 500 huishoudens om piekuren te verminderen en lokaal opgewekte energie optimaal te benutten.
Lees hier meer over dit inspirerende initiatief via de link.
Dissemination conference of our EU funded project AnthroAction: increasing employability and societal impact of action researchers.

Namla and Univerzita Pardubice Anthropology Department are hosting a one time mini conference next week on the results of our project in Erasmus Plus called AnthroAction: increasing employability and societal impact of action researchers. (
We have been running the project since March 2024 and just wrapped up our pilot course for graduates of anthropology in Czech Republic and Netherlands; where the graduates learned to combine rapid ethnography and design thinking to tackle a real-world problem, suggested by real NGOs.
The NGOs that contributed to the project were:
-Czech Blind United ( with the question: how can we attract more younger members to our organisation?
-Junak - Czech Scouts ( with the question: what do today’s teenagers want in leadership training?
-De Meevaart Community Centre ( with the question: how can we start a blue zone in Indische Buurt in Amsterdam?
-The Really Healthy School ( with the question: how can we reach more primary schools with our programme?
The participants in the course were coming from all over Czech Republic, and Amsterdam.
In the conference, we will discuss what happened in the course, how it went, what we can learn from the pilot. Also a number of professors in Anthropology from different parts of Europe (such as Laurens Bakker, Ana-Isabel Afonso), applied anthropologists from Czech Republic (such as Karolina Kania, PhD, Socionaut, z.s.), as well as organisations in our network will share reflections on how what we did here fits into a wider context.
Please register here before January 22nd:
and join the conference at this Zoom link:
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 899 5425 1812
Password: 514987