Legal and financial challenges that are experienced in France and the Netherlands when developing sustainable projects in the built environment.
City-zen was an international consortium, a program stimulating learning-by-doing in Grenoble and Amsterdam between March 2014 and November 2019. The results can be found in a booklet or in detailed reports.

Summary report

Full report
What is the goal of the project?
Answer the question: What legal and financial challenges do we face in the transition towards clean energy in city's?
What is the result of the project?
The research group Centre for Energy Research (Centrum voor Energievraagstukken) at the University of Amsterdam, in cooperation with DNV GL and La Métro has two tasks in the City-zen project: Analysing energy policies and the legal context of the demonstration projects (task WP4, 1.1) and studying financial barriers and the business models of the projects (task WP4, 1.2). As the subjects of the two studies appeared to be strongly interwoven, we published a preliminary report on the Energy policies and legal context in November 2016.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
The project is part of the EU-funded project 'City-zen' that is initiated by a consortium of cities, research institutes and companies. Contributors are VITO, University of Siena, Queens University of Belfast, Think-E, University of Amsterdam.
What is the next step?
As follow-up of this report, the CvE will conduct additional research for the City-zen project on the position of the ́Vulnerable end-user ́. This study will be published in the autumn of 2018.