The KasKantine is a small, transportable, ecovillage in the city, currently buildin up on its fourth location in the West of Amsterdam, completely made with DoItYourSelf technology and mostly with natural and waste materials. Still it has hold a liquor permit and a restaurant that can host up to 150 guests. Furthermore a mobile aquaponic system, rain water filter and waste water filter, 30 solar panels and 13 shipping containers accommodating social initiatives and ecological entrepreneurs.
De KasKantine

What is the goal of the project?
The project explores the possibilities and opportunities to gain more freedom as property less city citizens to shape their basic conditions of life: build your house, create your own job, produce your own food, participate in a community of practice
What is the result of the project?
The project wants to show that temporary available space in the city can be better valorised with offthegrid DIY technology especially for who mostly need it like startups, newly arrived, the creative sector and the unemployed.
Who initiated the project and which organizations are involved?
Initiated by Menno Houtstra in 2014. Partners: DogRadio, Voedselkringloop, StadsOogst, Healthy and Affordable, Fruity Juicy. KasKantine core members Betty Gebhard Rodney Groothof, Menno Houtstra. DAILY Volunteers: between 5 and 20.
What is the next step?
Get an experimental status, Test the performance of the offthegrid technology
What can other cities learn from your project?
This project is possible with almost zero investment. The only requirement is a temporary field or even water lot or roof, preferably between 5 and 10 years.
Hi Menno,