Adventures start with Movby. Unlock unique rides and experience a city like a local, even if it's for a day - Or share yours and earn.
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Adventures start with Movby. Unlock unique rides and experience a city like a local, even if it's for a day - Or share yours and earn.
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It is our mission to become the world's leading platform, connecting travelers and locals to ride owners from every community and make transportation more local friendly .
Safe online sharing and empowerment of local communities via online platform.
Shared transportation modes + second chance to unused goods.
Local and wider transport range.
Convenient renting service
Wider audience reach for traditional renting services
On Offer: Offers people the chance to make profit out of their unused apparel with no other effort other than using the platform.
On Demand: Making renting a ride easier, efficient, safe, fast and local.
We empower local communities by promoting local friendly modes of transportation that connect local neighbors and others like tourist. Creating a more local friendly and community consciousness by sharing unused transportation modes. Encouraging local neighbors to give a use to their un used bikes and boats. Contributing to the Amsterdam ecosystem within the canals and streets. By doing so we did not only generated a sustainable and expandable business model which focuses on recycling unused mobility options but also offer a financial compensation to the local users as well as a more convenient renting services for others in need of a ride.
Currently our platform is online and fully functional.
Our desired RESULT is to expand Amsterdam's solution range in mobility issues not only locally but tourist wise. Contributing to the ecosystem by:
-Reducing the amount of abandoned bikes and boats within Amsterdam's ecosystem, clearing bike racks, garages, streets, boat parking spots, canal water systems and canal cleaning.
-Providing a local friendly mobility solution to Amsterdam's crowded streets.
-Providing local owners with an economic reward.
The project was initiated by Gonzalo de Velasco over a year ago, now we are a small but strong 3 people team in which Enrique Crespo jumped into operations and Claudia Barrios who is taking control over the website and communications! Currently the project is nominated amongst the 10 winner projects from almost 400 at the Philips Innovation Award 2017 in Rotterdam.
OUR NEXT STEP is to find funding in order to
Keeping a city safe and clean isn't easy but there is always a solution!
At Movby we learned that our most important asset is the community we are working with, locating their mobility issues and offering a convenient and local solution to a global scale.
We learnt that what matters the most isn´t what is being shared, for how much or for how long but the place where it's shared and the people that create the community.
In the future Movby will look into other locations in order to find out how to generate the best mobility option range and strengthen the local community.
Get notified about new updates, opportunities or events that match your interests.
Op 12 september brengen we Ai in de Stad. In Breda, de stad die een van de voorlopers is op smartcitygebied in Nederland en daar in 2023 met een Smart City Award voor werd beloond. Maar ook de stad met een Ai-opleiding, een sterke techsector en een leidende positie in de gaming-industrie. We organiseren een congres dat laat zien hoe Ai de stad kan veranderen en wat daarvan de kansen en bedreigingen zijn.
Ai kan onze steden tot leven brengen. Kunstmatige intelligentie belooft dat auto’s autonoom rijden, professionals in het sociaal domein worden ondersteund in het nemen van beslissingen, veiligheidsrisico’s beter worden ingeschat en gebouwen veel efficiënter gebruikmaken van energie. En vast nog veel meer. Maar als dat allemaal samen komt lijkt het erop dat de stad op haar gebruikers gaat reageren. De tijd van stenen steden is voorbij. De stad van de toekomst communiceert met ons, reageert op ons, leeft met ons.
Dat biedt enorme kansen in het fysiek en sociaal domein en op het gebied van veiligheid. Het geeft Nederlandse bedrijven grote kansen. Want wat zijn de ethische consequenties van Ai? Hoe borgen we onze democratische rechtstaat in een zelfdenkende stad? Hoe afhankelijk maken we ons van de techniek? En worden steden geen eenheidsworst als ze allemaal dezelfde Ai gebruiken?
Dat vraagt het om kennis van de techniek en de toepassing daarvan. Zodat je kan onderscheiden wat echt is en wat niet. Waar de verandering ophoudt en de fantasie begint. Er zijn dus genoeg vragen om van te leren, genoeg voorbeelden om te zien en genoeg oplossingen om toe te passen en te beleven.
Daarover gaat het jaarlijks terugkerende event Ai in de Stad dat we op 12 september in Breda organiseren. Tijdens het congres kunt u leren in lectures, zelf aan de slag tijdens workshops en zien en beleven in de innovatie-expo.
Het conceptprogramma zien? Kijk het hier:
We presenteren daarbij toonaangevende sprekers uit binnen- en buitenland, mindblowing ervaringen en kleinschalige leerervaringen. We focussen op de thema’s: De leefbare en duurzame stad, de veilige stad, de sociale en gezonde stad en economie en cultuur in de stad. En op de rode draden: ethiek & burgerschap, techniek en cultuur.
En om de verbeelding helemaal de ruimte te geven, organiseren we ’s avonds een filmfestival over Ai in de Stad in het filmhuis van Breda. Met een diner vooraf en een inleiding op Ai in films.
Dit doen we samen… De gemeente Breda en de Future City Foundation hebben elkaar gevonden in de fascinatie voor de kansen van Ai in de Stad. Maar willen ook begrijpen wat de bedreigingen zijn.
Maar we doen dat niet alleen. We zijn trots op en blij met de partners die ons hierin ondersteunen. Zoals Scape Agency, Ai for Good, ELBA\REC en mediapartner Stadszaken.
Wanneer: 12 september 2024
Waar: Breda (verschillende locaties in de binnenstad)
Entree: Het evenement is gratis toegankelijk.
Kun je toch niet, meld je af: Soms komt er iets tussen en kun je toch niet naar een event waar je graag heen wilde. Dat kan gebeuren. Maar als wij dat niet tijdig weten, kopen we eten in dat we daarna moeten weggooien. Dat vinden we zonde. Daarom vragen we je dat als dit onverhoopt voorkomt, je uiterlijk 7 dagen voor het event af te melden bij Naomi Vrielink ( Doe je dat niet, dan wordt er 75 euro in rekening gebracht.
Meld je hieronder aan:
News from the Province Noord-Holland, the Netherlands
Mobility is a necessity for everybody, to be able to work, shop, recreate, visit friends and family, etc. For those who cannot or do not want to use their own means of transport, the province Noord-Holland recemtly adopted a new vision on Public Mobility. This vision aims to make better and affordable public transport possible, also in small towns. How? By making it easier to switch between different modalities. And by offering sustainable, inclusive mobility without using your own means of transport. This includes trains, buses and local buses, but also shared bicycles and shared cars. The province wants public mobility to be well organized everywhere in the province. This is not about more public transport, but about better public transport. It is important that the entire (chain) journey from door to door works well, including:
the train, pre- and post-transport, shared mobility and regional public transport of the Transport Region and surrounding provinces.
Discover here how this system contributes to accessible and future-proof mobility for everyone: 👉
Or watch the animation: 👉
On May 17 and 18, I had the honour to join regional minister Olthoff from the Province of North Holland on a mission to Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg. We went there to exchange experiences and learn from each other especially in the field of smart mobility.
After a nice train ride of no longer than 6 hours, we arrived in Stuttgart. We started our trip with a visit to ArenA2036 and Plug and Play Techcenter. A state-of-the-art research campus connected to a startup accelerator. Sascha Karimpour, director of Plug and Play, enthusiastically introduced us to their startup accelerator. He told us how they bring research and industries together and find efficient ways to collaborate with startups.
“To keep it exciting we constantly have to change. The major challenge now is not only matching start-ups and companies but also putting a lot of effort in stakeholder management, because if you don’t do that it will fall apart” - Sascha Karimpour.
In the research lab of ArenA2036 we saw amazing technologies come to life. From smart floors to highly advanced robotica and intralogistics; optimizing human and robot logistics in production. Peter Froeschle, CEO of ArenA2036, showed us around.
“Bringing all disciplines together increases creativity. But building an innovation platform is much more than just providing the facility. You need to keep the fire burning.” – Peter Froeschle.
In the afternoon, we had an official exchange with Verband Region Stuttgart. Here we learned that the Province of North Holland and Baden- Württemberg face a lot of the same mobility challenges. Similar to the Province of North-Holland, the interaction between urban and rural areas is important in Baden- Württemberg. We visited their innovative mobility hub concept. With standard services like the bus, taxi, P&R, bike & ride, but also an Information Terminal and 24/7 Info hotline, bike service station and kiosk.
Afterwards, we visited the construction site of Stuttgart 21, a large fully underground train station and 60km tunnel - a highlight of the trip! The impressive station is designed by the architect Ingenhoven. The prestigious design is characterised by its huge concrete pillars and a glass roofs providing light. A very controversial project which in the end was voted for in a referendum with 57% of the votes. By building the train station underground, public space in the city center will be freed up for housing. Take a look yourself at this unique project.
The next morning, we continued the knowledge exchange with the ministry of Transport of Baden- Württemberg. We learned a lot from their ambitious plans. State secretary of Transport Zimmer presented us the ambitious plans of Baden- Württemberg. Their goal is to be climate neutral in 2040, which is 10 years earlier than the EU ambitions. They really aim to be the frontrunner. Inspiring financing tools like a Mobility Pass and a Mobility Guarantee were presented. As well as diverse modalities of Mobility on Demand in more remote locations.
All in all, it was a very inspiring trip! We learned a lot and strengthened the ties with the Baden- Württemberg region.